Requesting Re-Shuffles

Good Evening Everyone, Anyone ever try requesting reshuffles from the pit in cae of severe negative counts? The only thing is they mark on your rating card that you requested one. so you cant do it too often, but when you used your bathroom break and your phone call break, and it could be an alternative.
I have only once and it was denied. I didn't like the way the pit boss looked at me so I just avoided asking for a reshuffle from then on. Though, regarding bathroom breaks, always get a bottle of water from the waitress so you can always have an excuse to get up :)


Well-Known Member
Probably depends on where you're playing.

I've had stretches where I've been getting killed, looked sad, and the dealer has offered me with the idea of dropping the deck.

Also, if playing a no-midshoe-entry game, you can use another person wanting to join as an excuse to drop the deck.

I would suppose that this is more likely in a single or doubledeck game than 6D 8D. I'm more likely to just abandon the table.
Yeah, absolutely. In pitch games, I've walked away a few times which forces a shuffle and then I conveniently sit back down but I don't play pitch very often, $25+ minimums and 50% penetration where I play.. :(


Well-Known Member
Places that do not continue the shoe

Some casinos will just let a half done shoe sit there when the game is dead and a new player coming in has to play those remainders. Other casinos will put all the cards in the discard rack and shuffle up when someone wants to play.
In the second case, with a friendly dealer and a highly minus count playing heads up in a dead casino I say something like, "a bad shoe takes forever in a heads up game. What happens if I color up, take a bathroom break and then come back."
Dealer says, "I will have to shuffle up a new shoe"

Obviously, you changed your mind in the bathroom and decided to come back and play. It is also obvious that this should not be used more than once per shift.
