Secret strategies


Active Member
If you have a dealer working for you on a 2 deck face down deck, and you act like you are going to make a hit and the dealer pulls up the card so that he can see it but no one else at the table can. Then the dealer blinks his eyes once if the card will harm you and does nothing with his eyes if the card will be of benifit towards you then would that be considered cheating?

What % advantage will this give us?


Well-Known Member
Easy boy

WRBJ said:
If you have a dealer working for you on a 2 deck face down deck, and you act like you are going to make a hit and the dealer pulls up the card so that he can see it but no one else at the table can. Then the dealer blinks his eyes once if the card will harm you and does nothing with his eyes if the card will be of benifit towards you then would that be considered cheating?

What % advantage will this give us?
Oh boy...


Well-Known Member
WRBJ said:
If you have a dealer working for you on a 2 deck face down deck, and you act like you are going to make a hit and the dealer pulls up the card so that he can see it but no one else at the table can. Then the dealer blinks his eyes once if the card will harm you and does nothing with his eyes if the card will be of benifit towards you then would that be considered cheating?

What % advantage will this give us?
None after you end up in gaol.

If your play is analysed, and you are winning significantly more than the average 42%ish of hands, and busting a lot less than normal the only conclusion that can be drawn is that something is effecting the usual dynamics of the game. No prizes for guessing the first question that'll be asked is "does s/he know what card's coming next?" and then looking for how this might be happening - first on the list? The dealer . . . .

Unless it's very obvious you will get away with it for a while, but if you get greedy . . . .


Active Member
Then how about on just 1 out of the 6 or 7 hands in the deck shoe? (of four people)

Say i bet high enough to get me over so that i can loose the other hands and still be comfortable at about 25 or 50 bucks up. Would this be an ok tactic?

If this isnt, then what advanced strategies can be used with a dealer working for you that will give you a high win % and wont be so obvious that you will get barred right away and the dealer might loose his job?


Well-Known Member
WRBJ said:
Then how about on just 1 out of the 6 or 7 hands in the deck shoe? (of four people)

Say i bet high enough to get me over so that i can loose the other hands and still be comfortable at about 25 or 50 bucks up. Would this be an ok tactic?

If this isnt, then what advanced strategies can be used with a dealer working for you that will give you a high win % and wont be so obvious that you will get barred right away and the dealer might loose his job?
The dealer won't lose his/her job - they will go to gaol. You and your team won't just be barred - you will go to gaol as well. This is not advantage play per se, but conspiracy to defraud. My advice, for what it's worth is just don't go there. From what I've read about conditions in the US, the casino will put you all in the hands of the law just to make the point, regardless of whether there's enough evidence for a conviction.

If you can shuffle track well, and count down the deck leave it at that. The odd genuine hole card glimpse is probably OK, although I think there's a fine line between inadvertently being flashed the hole card, and players deliberately doing things in order to see it - somewhat of a grey area, that we don't have to step into in Europe.

One thing I didn't say in my earlier post was that if you always only play at the table where your friendly dealer works, that'll be an easy giveaway to anyone who plays back the tapes. "Does he play at tables with other dealers?" No? Hmmm . . . . "

Another thought is that if you decide not to take a card because you know it'll be a bust card, there's still no guarantee you'll win unless you are at third and the dealer taking has a stiff and will bust out. If you have 13, the next card is a 9 and the dealer has 20 you still lose. That's why I'm not so sure there's a great addtional advantage to be had unless you're playing heads up or at third and you'd have to let the dealer make the choice for you as to whether to hit or stand etc as - only he would know the hole and the card to come on yours (unless of course he flashes the hole card to you at third and signals you as to whether to hit or stand - or double down; two blinks?). If you keep the blinks for only those times when you have a high count and you've put a big fat bet out, you'll probably be clocked as a counter before they pick up the naughties, and if you get barred your dealer will have to find another job for it to be of any use from then onwards.

This all seems a lot of hard work over and above normal AP techniques, puts you firmly in the twilight zone (in my opinion) and if you are caught, and convicted, the criminal record will follow you around for the rest of your life.

My final word? That legenday line from the movie Falling Down- "Don't do it man . . . . ." Unless you can afford to play for silly silly money, that'd make doing any time worthwhile (a very questionable concept anyway, although I once met a guy who bragged to me he worked on the basis that if he could scam the equivalent of £50K for each year of any sentence if he got caught he'd go for it ???? - although he's probably in gaol now), it just ain't worth it. The balance of probability for getting caught is definitely in favour of the House.



Active Member

From reading the posts in this thread, it seems to me some of you are playing, 'shall we say, on the wrong side of the line'.
I have never understood what would lead someone to risk everything, just because they don't have the wit or patience to beat the game with conventional methods.
Counting is not cheating nor is taking advantage of dealer error. Deliberately causing or colluding with dealers to create such errors and opportunities i do consider to be cheating. I have often walked away from tables where familiar dealers have started to get too familiar by hinting in someway that i should take advantage of some inside info that they have, (usually they have seen the next card) this is just asking for trouble.

I consider myself to be extremely honest, honest to the point of handing in a found wallet (money intact), i wonder how many of you can look in the mirror and say the same of the person you see?


Well-Known Member
oh . . . . some very profound stuff there.

I have - been honest to my detriment, ie billing clients for the hours I actually did and not the hours I originally quoted (not a common practice amongst tradesmen and professionals in the UK in my experience).

But that's just me.


Well-Known Member
It seems there's been a lot of talk on the forums lately about illegal methods of "beating" blackjack.

Seriously guys... just play the game. Your EV is through the floor when you step into these kinds of methods.

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
WRBJ said:
Then how about on just 1 out of the 6 or 7 hands in the deck shoe? (of four people)

Say i bet high enough to get me over so that i can loose the other hands and still be comfortable at about 25 or 50 bucks up. Would this be an ok tactic?

If this isnt, then what advanced strategies can be used with a dealer working for you that will give you a high win % and wont be so obvious that you will get barred right away and the dealer might loose his job?

So, if you rob a bank everytime you go to a bank you have a better chance of getting caught than if you rob a bank 20% of the time you go in a bank.

Is robbing one bank ok but robbing lots of banks bad? If your buddy works at a gas station and when he is working he turns off the meter is that not stealing? It is not his gas to give away.

I would like you to clarify your terms, what do you mean "Would this be an ok tactic?" And how do you consider this an advantage play and not cheating?

Cheating a little is still cheating.

If you get caught doing this in the USA you will be charged criminally. If you do this in the Carribbean, Asia or maybe Monte Carlo you and the dealer might end up sharing more than a prison cell, you will share a hospital room or a grave.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Hard work, eating vitamins and prayer.
What would you say my edge is if I have 250 $20 matchplays and bet only when accompanied by a MP?
How in the hell are you getting that many matchplays. Hook me up with some info if you can.


Well-Known Member
ccibball50 said:
How in the hell are you getting that many matchplays. Hook me up with some info if you can.
He probably plays in Vegas, has a player's card at every single casino and gets monthly offers, possibly with multiple identities. Add to that newsletters, funbooks, etc. and it is quite possible.