Separating the Boys from the Men


Well-Known Member
I was reading the BC forums and stumbled upon an interesting read by James Grosjean. In summary, he states that it's not the knowledge of optimal strategy that separates the rookies from the pros, but the intangible wisdom that pros pick up via their playing experiences.

I decided to bring the post over here and see what other peoples' thoughts were because it really is an interesting topic, but it didn't get a lot of exposure on the other forum. The context in which it was written was for advanced AP plays.

JG said:
Years ago my rookie BP, overly attuned to the LVHCM's gossip column, asked me, "How come we don't go for big scores like the other crews?" His question was laced with great "score envy" but also had a touch of dare to it, as if he were insinuating that I am a cowardly playcaller. I could have cited a variety of reasons, but I gave my BP a succinct answer: "Because YOU're not ready."

In his mind, he probably thought, "I know the signals, we've played many sessions, I used to be a dealer, etc. How am I not ready?" I didn't really explain myself at that time, but I will explain it now.

Rookies on other sites are constantly given advice on practicing with CV, counting pairs of cards simultaneously, sticking to the gameplan even if they're losing, not overbetting, etc. While these tips are all worthy of attention, they ignore the main areas in which rookies are deficient: awareness and heat response. The gap between veterans and rookies is huge in these two critical areas.

Here are a handful of common situations that the oblivious rookie completely ignores, but which the veterans respond to:

1. A member of another crew shows up.
2. An unknown Asian player shows up and camps behind the playcaller/spotter.
3. A chip hustler shows up.
4. A suit who hasn't been seen all night enters the pit, and after something is whispered into his ear, starts staring at your table.
5. Your dealer gets tapped out at 12:15am.
6. The floorperson or dealer cautions the players not to show each other their cards.

Every single one of these events is significant, potentially a severe threat, and yet a rookie doesn't even notice. Tell me what you would do.

Feel free to leave your responses to the 6 scenarios.
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Well-Known Member
Wookets said:
I was reading the BC forums and stumbled upon an interesting read by James Grosjean. In summary, he states that it's not the knowledge of optimal strategy that separates the rookies from the pros, but the intangible wisdom that pros pick up via their playing experiences.

I decided to bring the post over here and see what other peoples' thoughts were because it really is an interesting topic, but it didn't get a lot of exposure on the other forum. The context in which it was written was holecarding/frontloading play.

Feel free to leave your responses to the 6 scenarios.
Paranoia is AP's worst nightmare. Never been barred or backed off in my career. And I played a lot of Blackjack. I just play consistently according to my game plan. If someone is watching me, I have three levels of response: cut my spread into one third, flat bet or bet modest multiple units in modest negative count after a win. Actually my concern only rises when someone is watching my play from quite a distance.

And of six you mentioned, I will only have minor concern with the sixth. The first five are common in casinos.


Well-Known Member

Be Cuz theyre all trick questions.
James is IMO posting this as a way to separate the men from the boys, so to speak. I think his point is that a veteran wouldnt overly freakout over any of these things, he would have the proper judgment to decide the best course of action and not leave unecessarily. The pro knows real heat from imaginary, and thats his point.

1. No big deal, stuff happens, either leave or dont.
2. Ploppies camp out all the time, potentially no big deal.
3. Ditto.
4. This one is the most serious IMO and would need to be evaluated but it could be anything, and i wouldnt leave yet without seeing further heat actions.
5. could be any reason, maybe shes sick etc. Again, the antennae goes up a bit, but why leave?
6. Again just a small piece of a way larger picture. Maybe its heat, it could be anything though. Maybe a drunk guy as some other table was doing this, and the PB was just doing his job. anything really.
My two cents.


Well-Known Member
MeWin$ said:
Be Cuz theyre all trick questions.
James is IMO posting this as a way to separate the men from the boys, so to speak. I think his point is that a veteran wouldnt overly freakout over any of these things, he would have the proper judgment to decide the best course of action and not leave unecessarily. The pro knows real heat from imaginary, and thats his point.

1. No big deal, stuff happens, either leave or dont.
2. Ploppies camp out all the time, potentially no big deal.
3. Ditto.
4. This one is the most serious IMO and would need to be evaluated but it could be anything, and i wouldnt leave yet without seeing further heat actions.
5. could be any reason, maybe shes sick etc. Again, the antennae goes up a bit, but why leave?
6. Again just a small piece of a way larger picture. Maybe its heat, it could be anything though. Maybe a drunk guy as some other table was doing this, and the PB was just doing his job. anything really.
My two cents.
He says significant event, and Potentially threatening!? Asians!!?? mmm, you gotta be joking. Is he an Asian bigot?


Well-Known Member
ANYONE who does not FULLY understand every single one of his comments is not READY to play any of the advanced moves, without adult supervision. Alas; unfortunately there are too many fools out there who ARE screwing things up for ALL of us.

gamblingghost said:
Asians!!?? mmm, you gotta be joking. Is he an Asian bigot?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: This is too funny. He is NOT an Asian bigot. If you met him you would very quickly understand how I know this. And out of respect for Mr. Grosjean, I will not explain it on a public board.


Well-Known Member
Why copying the text from other site?

Wookets said:
I was reading the BC forums and stumbled upon an interesting read by James Grosjean. In summary, he states that it's not the knowledge of optimal strategy that separates the rookies from the pros, but the intangible wisdom that pros pick up via their playing experiences.

I decided to bring the post over here and see what other peoples' thoughts were because it really is an interesting topic, but it didn't get a lot of exposure on the other forum. The context in which it was written was holecarding/frontloading play.

Feel free to leave your responses to the 6 scenarios.
More like a <> violation. You could have replied your response on BC site only. James could have posted his question directly on this site if he wanted to, not sure whether copying threads make sense?
Wookets said:
I was reading the BC forums and stumbled upon an interesting read by James Grosjean. In summary, he states that it's not the knowledge of optimal strategy that separates the rookies from the pros, but the intangible wisdom that pros pick up via their playing experiences.
Amen Friar Grosjean, the greatest HC player of the 21st century! zg


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
ANYONE who does not FULLY understand every single one of his comments is not READY to play any of the advanced moves, without adult supervision. Alas; unfortunately there are too many fools out there who ARE screwing things up for ALL of us.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: This is too funny. He is NOT an Asian bigot. If you met him you would very quickly understand how I know this. And out of respect for Mr. Grosjean, I will not explain it on a public board.
Fine, you won't say why you know he is not an Asian bigot so just tell me
why he specified the player as Asian please. Does the fact that the player
must be Asian make a difference?? If not, why did he specify Asian?


Well-Known Member
NightStalker said:
More like a <> violation. You could have replied your response on BC site only. James could have posted his question directly on this site if he wanted to, not sure whether copying threads make sense?
I really fail to see what harm, if any, comes from posing the question to this forum. If anything, it can potentially raise the awareness level of new APs, thus preserving/protecting the games in question. Or am I completely off base here?


Well-Known Member
no harm to any game or anything..

Wookets said:
I really fail to see what harm, if any, comes from posing the question to this forum. If anything, it can potentially raise the awareness level of new APs, thus preserving/protecting the games in question. Or am I completely off base here?
it's about copyright violation.
Usually not a good idea to copy stuff from one's blog to another :)


Well-Known Member
gamblingghost said:
If not, why did he specify Asian?
There is a certain Asian HC team that is rife with these very "rookies" of which he laments. When one of these guys shows up, trouble usually develops. They will stop at NOTHING including standing behind you & ducking down (brings BIG TIME heat); even going so far as to drop a "dime" on you in order to get you barred. A friend of Jame's tells me that James HIMSELF has been screwed over by these disrespectful fools.

So James is not talking about Asians in GENERAL; he was referring to a few specific Asians, and the fact that you better be able to recognize these idiots when you see them.


Well-Known Member
NightStalker said:
it's about copyright violation.
Usually not a good idea to copy stuff from one's blog to another :)
I realize it's not perfectly MLA/APA cited, but I do believe the quotation feature effectively signals that the words are Mr. Grosjean's, and not my own. Furthermore, ideas themselves are not technically copyrightable. But most importantly, short quotations are considered to be fair use, and are thus generally considered to be exempt from copyright law.

Back to topic, do you have anything to say about the original scenarios, NightStalker?
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Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
There is a certain Asian HC team that is rife with these very "rookies" of which he laments. When one of these guys shows up, trouble usually develops. They will stop at NOTHING including standing behind you & ducking down (brings BIG TIME heat); even going so far as to drop a "dime" on you in order to get you barred. A friend of Jame's tells me that James HIMSELF has been screwed over by these disrespectful fools.

So James is not talking about Asians in GENERAL; he was referring to a few specific Asians, and the fact that you better be able to recognize these idiots when you see them.
hm, interesting, let's see now, what book do you think they got the idea from
to be nasty to other players to get the 'magic seat'?


Well-Known Member
May be JG want to

Wookets said:
I realize it's not perfectly MLA/APA cited, but I do believe the quotation feature effectively signals that the words are Mr. Grosjean's, and not my own. Furthermore, ideas themselves are not technically copyrightable. But most importantly, short quotations are considered to be fair use, and are thus generally considered to be exempt from copyright law.

Back to topic, do you have anything to say about the original scenarios, NightStalker?
flaunt his superiority.. These are very basics which you will know over time. All questions are incomplete, answer is very situation specific. You should do the best to make most money :) Now whether you will make more money or JG in the long run, let the cards decide that..
I would say : Use your senses rather than following blind advices on the forum.


Well-Known Member

Sucker said:
A friend of Jame's tells me that James HIMSELF has been screwed over by these disrespectful fools.

So James is not talking about Asians in GENERAL; he was referring to a few specific Asians, and the fact that you better be able to recognize these idiots when you see them.
How can possibly a fool(disrespectful) screw a genius guy like James?

A smart AP can always get away from those fools or choose to be one of them..