Southland Gaming Center -- West Memphis


Well-Known Member
Stopped by Southland Park Gaming Center in West Memphis. It's a horse track/slot place. My intention was to just cash a check while travelling. I was surprised to find blackjack tables.

It is all electronic. It's the same as Cherokee , North Carolina, except for a few key things.

When I asked how many decks: 6
How many decks dealt out.. According to Pit Boss "until there are about 30 cards left in the shoe."
Double on any cards
Double after split
REsplit 3 times, except Aces
EARLY surrender available
Dealer stands on ALL 17's at ALL tables.
I counted it (with some difficulty as I was on third base and first base's screen was a little hard to read.) They had no clue why I would go from betting $10 a hand to $100 by the end of the shoe.

The cards seemed to act as they should during particular counts.

And after I won I sat back and watched the worst ploppies I've seen in a while..

Most of them were playing no bust blackjack. Or the a version of "let's split any pair against any dealer up card"

then I got back on the road.


Staff member
Despite signs that claim that Early surrender is available, I've been told by players that you are not allowed to surrender in case of a dealer blackjack.

Therefore, despite signs to the contrary, this place offers late surrender.
I also understand that the max bet has recently been decreased from $1000 to $200.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's late surrender as I found out yesterday. I got into an argument with a dealer and the pit boss over it. I told them to do some research and they need to change the sign. I thought about filing a complaint, but I have a feeling if I did this they would take away surrender altogether.

The ploppy stupidity level is consistently high here. So the ploppies go broke faster which got me heads up quicker as well.

A good number of ploppies split all pairs regardless of dealer up card.

or my favorite ploppy would double down with 11 against a 10 for the full amount. But then double for less with 11 vs a 2 3 4 5 6 or 7.