
Hello from France;
I am learning blackjack strategies with Revere's book "Playing Blackjack as a Business".
Is the revere point count strategy more efficient than the revere plus minus strategy?
At the end of the book the author talks about the revere advanced point count strategy,what is it exactly? is it efficient? where can I find this strategy?
I'd like to find a reliable betting strategy, can you help me?
thanks a lot.



Well-Known Member
Welcome Anto! :)

Yes, the Revere Point Count is more efficient than the Revere Plus-Minus system. Here is a list of several popular counting strategies:

Beginners should start with an easy system like K-O or Hi-Lo. Both systems are simple and quite powerful. You can always learn a more efficient system later once you have more experience.

Your betting strategy will depend on which system you use and what the rules at the casino are. That will come later. Don't worry about that yet.

In any case, the first step is to learn basic strategy first. You cannot learn how to count cards until you know how to play properly. You can use the Basic Strategy Engine and Strategy Trainer on this website to get started. And, of course, ask lots of questions! We're happy to answer them.



Well-Known Member
If you haven't learned BS yet before you start the BS engine here is good link with color coded charts it made it really easy for me to learn it this way

After you have BS down the link Sonny gave you will give you a good idea how the systems compare to each other. I would also recommend KO, Hi-lo and also Red7 to start out with. The book for KO: Knockout Blackjack by Olaf Vancura, Ken Fuchs... For Red7 Blackbelt in Blackjack or The Big Book of Blackjack both by Arnold Snyder.
anto said:
Hello from France;
I am learning blackjack strategies with Revere's book "Playing Blackjack as a Business".
Is the revere point count strategy more efficient than the revere plus minus strategy?
At the end of the book the author talks about the revere advanced point count strategy,what is it exactly? is it efficient? where can I find this strategy?
I'd like to find a reliable betting strategy, can you help me?
thanks a lot.

The revere Point Count is an excellent strategy, BUT Revere's advice on BR and betting is FLAWED. The Revere book is hopelessly outdated. AND don't even think about purchasing the Revere ADVANCED Point Count. zg