Surrendering with 17


Well-Known Member
This weekend I was dealt a 17 and the dealer had an ace showing, in a H17 shoe game.

Realizing that BS tells me to surrender this hand, I did. And boy, was I greeted with bewilderment from the players and the dealer. Way more than when I've split tens, I think even more than when I've doubled as soft 21. It was like they just couldn't comprehend what they were seeing.

Anyone else noticed this? Is the attention it garners a good thing or a bad thing?

I just checked the appendix to see how big the difference in EV is, and it's about 1.3%. So while the dealer ended up busting on that hand, I didn't mind my play from a strategy standpoint.

By the way, the count was pretty darn positive at that point, would that tend to reinforce the decision to surrender?
surrendering 17

You're more likely to surrender when the count is negative. For example, with HiLo, you should surrender with a TC of +1 or less with 6D H17.
quipper said:
You're more likely to surrender when the count is negative. For example, with HiLo, you should surrender with a TC of +1 or less with 6D H17.
Right, and if the count is even more negative I believe you hit. At least you do with S17.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I think even more than when I've doubled as soft 21.
Stupid question, but isn't a "soft 21" either a multiple hand, or a two-card 21? How can you double? Have I missed something important again????



Well-Known Member
After you split your tens

eps6724 said:
Stupid question, but isn't a "soft 21" either a multiple hand, or a two-card 21? How can you double? Have I missed something important again????

Let's say you are playing a double after split game and you split a pair of tens and get an ace on one of them. Now you have a soft two card 21 that can be doubled if you wish.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
Let's say you are playing a double after split game and you split a pair of tens and get an ace on one of them. Now you have a soft two card 21 that can be doubled if you wish.

Oh, man!!!! It WAS a stupid question! I KNEW that, and didn't think it through! Thanks!! No wonder I'm still practicing!!!