The Counting Game by Alan Berg

hi everyone

I cannot believe I am the only one who has read this book. Quick synopsis:

1) Clever guy, qualified accountant. Studied hard to beat the casino edge
2) Advantage player using Uston APC
3) If all stories to be believed major player over the last 15 years
4) Seems to have been a bit obvious with his playing style hence loads of barrings, but seemed to have had fun along the way and earned some decent cash
5) Nothing really new in the book, but an interesting and entertaining read.
6) Adds a useful and intestesting perspective on the tax situation for you APs in the USA
7) A really interesting perspective on bankroll requirements- might surprise some people
8) Overall certainly worth reading, but not for the beginner. You need to go elsewhere to get more detailed info to learn this way of playing. I found it an interesting commentary on how an AP operates, some great anecdotes and some lessons learned will be useful to other people.

hope this helps



Well-Known Member
Apologies for resurrecting a very old thread.

I've just starting getting into this one. Anyone else here read it?

I'm a bit surprised by the statements to the effect that with the game nowdays one has to be more precise and play more aggresively, but then he advocates a "catch all" BS chart which has a few deviations from what is usually found (ie doubling A6 v 2 ? - which I would think carried more risk than return).

He also uses Uston's APC count. Comments on this ?