Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory


Active Member
shadroch said:
Hopefully,the guy learned that he is a long way from being good enough to beat the casinos,saw where he was weakest and will regroup and go forward.
exactly! I've probably got a long long time before I see a casino again anyhow.


Active Member
sure have - candyflipping, we call it.

i stopped taking lsd for a while because i had a couple not-so-great trips. (I thought they were "bad" until I saw some people that ~really~ had bad trips.)

i found the MDMA is sort of like a nice insurance policy you can take out to avoid unpleasant trips on acid if you take it beforehand, and since doing that a couple times, I've had no problems just taking acid by itself.


Well-Known Member
Zig...BC Bud?

Zig, have you ever played after smoking BC Bud? "What do I have?" Once returning from a trip from Oregon I stayed a few days in Vegas and one of the dealers started saying to me, "Hello Mr. What Do I Have." I did not realize how much a lost until I returned home. "Say No To Drugs" and you'll never realize how wonderful all the lights are driving around Vegas.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Basically, you are a refined ploppy - we enjoy your joining in the community here, you know a little more than most what the game is about, ...and come to town without a clue as to where you'll play, how much you'll bet, which games are which, and you're spinning on multiple substances while your wife and friends are watching you to see if you can really beat the game!zg
What is worse - a ploppy who makes a few bad plays or maybe even plays BS, or an absolutely clueless card counter?

Being a ploppy would be a step up. Sorry BFC - just an opinion. Glad u had fun though.


Well-Known Member
BFC said:
sure have - candyflipping, we call it.

i stopped taking lsd for a while because i had a couple not-so-great trips. (I thought they were "bad" until I saw some people that ~really~ had bad trips.)

i found the MDMA is sort of like a nice insurance policy you can take out to avoid unpleasant trips on acid if you take it beforehand, and since doing that a couple times, I've had no problems just taking acid by itself.
Shall we watch for you on A+E's Intervention?
Playing blackjack on drugs is like going out to pick up girls when you are drunk. You think you are really cool, but only you think that.

But what do I know? I'm just a monkey, we don't do drugs. Looks like you have to learn the hard way.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Playing blackjack on drugs is like going out to pick up girls when you are drunk. You think you are really cool, but only you think that.

But what do I know? I'm just a monkey, we don't do drugs. Looks like you have to learn the hard way.
I didn't know monkeys did after-school specials :cool:


Active Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Playing blackjack on drugs is like going out to pick up girls when you are drunk. You think you are really cool, but only you think that.

But what do I know? I'm just a monkey, we don't do drugs. Looks like you have to learn the hard way.
you seem like a real barrel of laughs.


Well-Known Member
I think that you have actually made a few discoveries about your game that will help.

Something I would suggest is to be the dealer. Deal out 7 hands plus the dealers hand keep the running count, play perfect BS for each hand and do payouts. After an hour or two, you will not have the same problems you were having during live casino play.


Active Member
Thanks for that. I think that would help. I did do some of that in practice, but not enough. Probably my biggest problem was that I'd known zero about card counting prior to planning a vacation, which was two months before I left. It wasn;t enough time to get everything down cold with the amount of time I had to dedicate to it.