Victor Chandler and 1 deck BJ


New Member
Hi Guys

New here,and from Europe, I have got the basic ST down, where I am confident enough to play, it is quite a eye opener that even with the know how on what to play, amazing how often one still loses.

Anyway enough waffle, I am struggling a bit against live dealers from I manage to get ahead then BAM lose, I always play flat stakes, however I find it annoying you almost always have to queue to get on their min stakes table :whip:

so it is almost always 7 players and dealer, reading around some guy posted that he felt the best way was do your stake, if you win double it, win again double it, then go back to flat stakes, if you lose in that 3 sequence go back to flat stakes...

does that have any value to it?

Now I read today on a review site that VC casino were doing a single deck BJ game, and the dealer edge is 0.22%, they reshuffle every hand obviously, but I am never sure about playing RNG as one can not help feeling when the dealer gets a 5 on a 16, that RNG has done me, can it be trusted, and is a single deck game much better than playing the live ones?


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to count or just play basic strategy? Because if you're just playing basic, the house will always have an edge.


Well-Known Member
Tak3n said:
it is quite a eye opener that even with the know how on what to play, amazing how often one still loses.
The house has the edge so you should expect to lose most of the hands you play. Sometimes you lose a bunch of them all at once and other times you lose your money very slowly. Sometimes you even win for a little while before you lose it back. That's just how it goes for basic strategy players.

Tak3n said:
reading around some guy posted that he felt the best way was do your stake, if you win double it, win again double it, then go back to flat stakes, if you lose in that 3 sequence go back to flat stakes...
That's called the martingale system and it is terrible. Read through the voodoo forum for more information on different progression systems and why you should avoid them.

Tak3n said:
I am never sure about playing RNG as one can not help feeling when the dealer gets a 5 on a 16, that RNG has done me, can it be trusted, and is a single deck game much better than playing the live ones?
The software would be doing the cheating not the RNG. It is important to play at sites that you trust and have some level of oversight. Stay away from sites that are blacklisted or have a lot of complaints. If you are taking advantage of bonuses then you will be moving around a lot so one or two bad casinos won't impact you much. Also the advantage from the bonuses will keep your losses to a minimum if the software is fixed.