AHhhhhh, Ive been viewing here for a long time now. Up until 2 days ago, I was a Supv. of a surveillance room, needless to say, I lost my job,,,now, I can use all of this great knowledge I learned, all the countless hours of training, paid for by my employer of course!!! Im sure they already put my picture in the books!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the dark side.

Were you like the James Caan character in the TV show Las Vegas? Just kidding. Sorry to hear about the forced change in career paths. Glad to see you step out of the shadows. Good luck with your new found knowledge.
Where I worked *LINK*

I was working in Atlantic City, for a property that only has 3 other properties out in vegas. However, all of the higher ups in my dept. all came from vegas, so I got the best of both education I guess!!!! We'll see what happens, its hard to get a job in any other dept. now that I spent time in the "room"....