What do you think about the casino free comp cards?

They have your information and keep track of your money going in and when you bet...
I didn't care much for one but wanted other people's opinion. Maybe some pros and cons?

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
These cards will get you free hotel rooms, food, and in some cases, cash back for your action. What more is there to discuss? If you get backed off when playing with the card, then and only then is when you stop using a players card at that casino. Comps can make up a big part of one's EV.


Well-Known Member
The exception I could think of is if you're like me, and in a brand new joint, and you run a risk of just blundering in there like a bull in a china shop and getting backed off immediately. Might be better to just play unrated and see what happens, that way, if they do back you off, they at least won't have your name.

But I generally agree wholeheartedly. Free stuff is good.
I've ALWAYS played with a tracking card, and I've had great comps wherever I've played solely because of that. With no tracking I'd not have received half of the freebies and holidays I've had on the casinos.

That said, I was barred from the UK casinos because they knew who I was (over time)... but had no choice about using a card, as ALL uk casinos have a membership system of entry. No membership, no entry...

My recommendation: ALWAYS get a card, ALWAYS get rated. They're less likely to back off a regular customer than a one-off player that appears to be "very lucky"... it's a bigger decision for them.
davidpom said:
I've ALWAYS played with a tracking card, and I've had great comps wherever I've played solely because of that. With no tracking I'd not have received half of the freebies and holidays I've had on the casinos.

That said, I was barred from the UK casinos because they knew who I was (over time)... but had no choice about using a card, as ALL uk casinos have a membership system of entry. No membership, no entry...

My recommendation: ALWAYS get a card, ALWAYS get rated. They're less likely to back off a regular customer than a one-off player that appears to be "very lucky"... it's a bigger decision for them.
They have changed the UK laws regarding casino membership and as it stands currently you DO NOT need to sign up, register or become a member to play at most casinos. Moreover, you do not need to provide proof of ID for cashouts unless cashouts >£1000.