What is my advantage?


Well-Known Member
walrus_poker said:
D9, DAS H17, 6 deck, 80% pent Basic high low
1-15 spread
Since I don't have a sim, I certainly don't know.

Since u don't know, fugetabout it lol.

It's probably just me but I keep thinking a card-counter wouldn't have to ask these questions lol.

And I always find it interesting no one ever asks or says what their bankroll is or maybe should be.

But I'd guess u'd have to be alot more specific as to at what count u bet how much. And what indexes u might be using. Whether u will ever jump ur bets or pull them back. Crap like that.

Maybe 1% or a little more overall as a wild guess. Does that mean ur good to go lol?

Assume ur playing all hands?

Anyway just the reason to get a sim lol.


Well-Known Member
I was curious because the rules seemed pretty grim. I did a couple of ghetto runs with powersimp.

Assuming splitting to four hands, no RSA, no surrender, no playing indices. Play all. There wasn't a default D9 rule option, so I tried the two closest things:

DOA = .87% with 1-20 ramp.
.52% with a hastily slapped together 1-15 spread (1 unit in negative TC, 2 units at TC +0, 15 units at TC +5)

D9 = .54% with 1-24 ramp.
.22% with 1-15 spread

D10 results would obviously be somewhere in between. You could increase the edge some by using using playing indices, but given those rules, it would be like putting lipstick on a cow.