your advice to stay "awake" ?

Hi everyone !

i'm new, i'm french, and to begin i just would like to say you thanks for this forum (we havent got one like it in french) and sorry for my writing mistake.

So, what do you do to stay awake, to keep your brain "clear" after hours of card counting ?

personnaly, i count card for 6-7h/night (2 night by week end) and i just stop to count when the deck is empty to go to toilet (there is too many persone waiting for a slot at the table so i can't take a breath outside otherwise we steal my sit.)

i try cofee, redbull (don"t know if exist in US ? lol), but after 4h of couting i begin to be tired so if you got advice ...
I know that it better to stop, but i don"t think doing mistake, its just harder to be concentrated on the game ..

thanks :)

for info (if someone interesting ..); my game :
6 decks
75/80% pen
Ace split
5€ - 500€ (or 10 - 1000€ with EA)



Well-Known Member

french-jack said:
what do you do to stay awake, to keep your brain "clear" after hours of card counting ?
Sleep. The game will still be there after you get a good night's rest, or a quick hour nap.

french-jack said:
I know that it better to stop, but i don"t think doing mistake, its just harder to be concentrated on the game ..
This is the problem with playing while tired - you won't realize your mistakes, you'll lose the count more often, and you'll become more obvious to the pit.


Well-Known Member
just sleep. 2-3 hours can make a world of difference. usually in vegas I sleep about 5-6 hours, then whenever i wake up, off i go to another casino.


Well-Known Member
`hey there
i drink a lot of coffee & coke (the drink!) myself whilst playing.
however i generally dont play more than 4 hours in one joint. if i keep playing then i take a walk outside to get some fresh air and re-focus.

additionally i play a lot of sports and i believe my physical fitness helps to be delay tiredness (even with weird sleeping patterns!)


Well-Known Member
Try a shed load of caffeine to stay awake and beta blockers if the caffeine gives you the shakes or you're over betting your bankroll. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
stop counting.....

Sleep is the only good cure, im guessing that you work a normal job monday to friday, you do NOT want to take or do anything that will affect your normal life balance. dont go to work on monday burnt out like a Racoon after a month in a nut factory.

So taking any substance will have an effect, personally, i dont do it, and i have a smaller attention span than you, after about 2-3 hours for me my mind is mush, but a simple powernap or do something else for 45 minutes and im good to go again.

At the end of the day we are all different and you need to do what is best for your counting and your health/life.