Your favorite a$$hole dealer story


Well-Known Member
Mine is when a guy in first base was about to double down after seeing his cards. By the time he got to doubling down, the dealer was already at third base. Well he goes to put his additional chips down but knocks several chips off his original pile. (must have had a bit too much to drink) When he tries to put those chips he knocked off accidentally, back on, the dealer sees him doing that and assumes he is cheating. Immediately she forbids him from doing that and calls over the pit boss excitedly saying this gentleman was attempting to add more chips to his hand. Well the guy explains to her what happened and I even cooroborated it telling the dealer that I was at third base and had a clear view of what happened but she didn't for a second believe us. The pit boss didn't believe us either, so the guy by this time is super pissed off and is screaming at the dealer and pitboss saying, "This is BS!!!!" By now security was on their way to detain the guy so I simply spoke up and said to the pitboss, sir if you don't believe him, why don't you at least take the courtesy of having security upstairs review the film to corroborate his story. After much hesitation, the pitboss agrees. Meanwhile we're all sitting at the table for gosh it must have been 20, 30 minutes waiting for them. Well after a while, one of the other pitbosses taps this pitboss on the shoulder and tells him that the tape did indeed show the guy accidentally knocking over his chips. The pitboss then informs the dealer of what happened and the dealer is speechless. Meanwhile the guy who knocked over his chips cursed at the dealer and the pitboss and said somethign to the effect of, "I f-cking told you a$$holes." It was the sweetest moment ever as both the pitboss and dealer were speechless for the rest of the time he was at the table feeling ever so stupid.


Well-Known Member
Turns out a coworker of mine likes to go to Vegas and get hammered and play cards. He was somehwere (Paris?) I think playing heads up, and the dealer would kind of smile every time he took his money. Well, my coworker had a bad run of several losses in a row, then put out a big bet, while saying "Smile again and I swear I will knock your goddamn head off," or something to that effect. He's a big duded to. It think he won the hand though, so no head-knocking.

I don't think I've had any true asshole dealers, because I love everyone and everyone loves me. :rolleyes:

However, I did sit down at an empty table, and the dealer was just this tough old broad, not really friendly at all. And I'm not Captain Personality when I'm playing heads-up, so it was like playing in a morgue. Couple other guys light on the table, try to loosen it up, fail miserably. After eight decks or so, dealer lets it slip that she grew up in Brooklyn. My hand at the time was a stiff, so I said "Oh, I'm sorry, we must have been miscommunicating this whole time, I guess I should ask 'Hey, you gonna deal me a five, or should I go **** myself?'?" Dealer just cracks up, and table was a little looser until the next dealer moved in (who was much nicer)


Well-Known Member
I've been fairly lucky with dealers so far. There was that one asshole pitcritter who yelled at me for using a cell phone while I was ten feet away from the table-- but that critter got reamed out ON THE SPOT by another critter who I'd been talking to WHILE COUNTING! Beauty.

I've had some surely poker dealers-- but they've usually been uppity with other players doing stupid things, like throwing "Seat Open" markers into the tray, or grabbing for pots before the hand was complete.
Here's one- young Korean male dealer, older Chinese female player. Every time she taps for a hit, the dealer scowls at her. Eventually he tells her "Don't you do that again." Finally, he stops dealing, squares his shoe and calls his pit supervisor over.

What was she doing? She was tapping for her hit with her middle finger! We've probably all done that, and he was taking it as an insult. I explained to him she probably didn't even know what that meant. But as I was ready to Wong out, I just couldn't resist... I tapped for my hit with my middle finger.

One thing that really surprises me is how willing some dealers are to use racial and ethnic terminology at the table with patrons. Now I enjoy a good ethnic joke myself, as much as any other kind of joke, but those are jokes you share privately with a selected audience, and never in a business setting. I've heard words and phrases used by dealers that I don't even want to type on this website.


Well-Known Member
I've had two dealers complain about Asian players, in general.

... while an Asian player was sitting at the table!

I was flabbergasted.


Well-Known Member
I have seen dealers insult Asian players while they are at the table. Their English was so bad the dealer was just cracking racial jokes with me and speaking quickly. I was sort of trying not to look amused.

Some dealers just **** me off by deliberatly waiting for people who aren't at the table yet incase they want to make a bet.
EasyRhino said:
I've had two dealers complain about Asian players, in general.

... while an Asian player was sitting at the table!

I was flabbergasted.
Well as you know, the Asian players can be pretty rude themselves, so it's not like this kind of attitude came out of just nowhere. At Foxwoods the players cards are printed in Chinese and on a weeknight it is very common for me to be the only Occidental at the table. And I can forget about getting a waitress in that situation, because most of them flat-out refuse to serve Orientals, because they are unlikely to drink and even less likely to tip.

Still, there's no reason for a dealer to be like that. Once in Reno I sat down at a table where a few Vietnamese were playing, asked the dealer how she was doing, and she said "Fine, until this **** showed up" as she pointed to the Vietnamese players.
I was at an Indian casino in OK this weekend, and an older woman pit boss starts yelling at me that I'm not paying the correct ante for playing two hands. She went on and on for several minutes about the correct procedure for placing antes on two hands. I was only playing ONE hand. I have never played more than one hand at a time. My hubby to my right was playing and she thought I was playing his hands. Didn't even notice him sitting there. I glared at her over my glasses and said I am NOT playing two hands.

She was a real pain. had to be called several times when the dealer had to shuffled. Even one person at the table ended up yelling SHUFFLE!! Also had to be called several times when the dealer was chip changing 100. Not paying attention to ANYthing going on.
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