shitty counts


Well-Known Member
+5 is a great true count in a 6 decker. Those pop up about 1% of the time. +10 counts are obscenely high, and almost never come up in shoes.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
+5 is a great true count in a 6 decker. Those pop up about 1% of the time. +10 counts are obscenely high, and almost never come up in shoes.
right. hell when i was counting i was ecstatic if i ever saw a +2 and besides myself when a +3 would appear. and +5 would be a rare bird indeed.
that's the thing with these shoe games is where it calls for an aggressive approach to have any consistant hope of making a little dough. but then that can be expensive as well. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
+5 is a great true count in a 6 decker. Those pop up about 1% of the time. +10 counts are obscenely high, and almost never come up in shoes.
When the count gets that high, you're likely to have more pushes, as both you and the dealer will likely get 20.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
When the count gets that high, you're likely to have more pushes, as both you and the dealer will likely get 20.
yes i think the pushes do increase but not so much to make much differance. it's the blackjacks that increase where the significance comes in.
as the chart below shows.
what the chart doesn't show is how money is made on double downs in a positive count. but reading this link i think can help on that:



Well-Known Member
also it seems that the chart in this link:
points out the importance of having a ramp to your betting if say your playing all or wonging out only. considering double downs are such an important money maker and according to the chart they are more abundant in the some what lower positive true counts but taper off for the higher positive true counts.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
......Anyway, I really wanted to say a LS game might be worth dusting off your old count, getting some glasses for those half-blind eyes and stimulate that half-atrophied fuzzy-counting brain of yours lol. PM with details if actually true - even an OCD like me suffering from bigbetaphobia might walk down to the bank and with, with, withdraw mmmmoney lol. I can barely even say it lol.
just thought i'd let you know i visited this joint trying out the FC. it was so crowded and dealers so slow and all. well, i practice the FC on CVBJ at really fast speeds and so i was like a fish out of water with the FC in this joint. truly lost. as slow as it was i just went ahead and hi/lo counted it lol and then when the count would tank or zero out go back to FC'ing it. kind of a trade off. didn't have to employ the bigbetaphobia tactic as the count never got very high. proud to report that over my last three visits and considering the price of gas i think i'm about twenty dollars ahead. :rolleyes:
oh yeah and i wore my new glasses too even though i can't see out of them.
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