Insurance Question


Well-Known Member
Say you run into a rookie dealer who allows you to place as much as you want for Insurance up to the table max and say the TC is +5. What percentage of your bankroll would you be placing down for this?


Well-Known Member
uhhh, I would say whatever my normal bet size is at +5, I would match and put out there. but also, I would think the insurance efficiency of the count that you are using would have to play in to effect. Or if you're really a genius, and can do the insurance side count that has perfect efficiency, then I would bet the table max.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
What percentage of your bankroll would you be placing down for this?
How much can I get away with? This is a big edge and it won't last long. How much can I get down without alerting the floorman? Will an unusually big bet "wake up" the dealer? Will any of the other players at the table cause a problem? Which way is the nearest exit if the phone rings? Are all of my chips in my pocket so that the dealer doesn't try to color me up when I run off? Is it worth the potential exposure at this casino? Could I be burning myself, my partner or this game by making a move like that? You get the idea. There should be a lot of things running through your head at that moment. Calculating the mathematically optimimal bet should not be one of them. ;)
