Could someone please tell me...

How much do I stand to lose if I play basic strategy at all times, and bet according to the counts vs playing with indices? How much do indices help with the count vs basic strategy?
Apwannabe said:
How much do I stand to lose if I play basic strategy at all times, and bet according to the counts vs playing with indices? How much do indices help with the count vs basic strategy?
Usually the playing indices help in the order of 25% or so.


Well-Known Member
Apwannabe said:
How much do I stand to lose if I play basic strategy at all times, and bet according to the counts vs playing with indices? How much do indices help with the count vs basic strategy?
for basic strategy it depends on the game (rules, #decks) you are playing. your advantage could range about 0% single deck to -0.54% multi-deck. that means you would average losing $0.00 dollars to $0.54 dollars per hundred hands. if you wagered $1.00 per hand to start your hand out.
this can fluctuate wildly if standard deviation has it's way with you.
for card counting it depends on the game (rules, #decks, bet ramp)
with card counting you might average from 1% to possibly 2% advantage. then you might make an average of $1.00 to $2.00 after a hundred hands that your initial bets would vary from $1.00 to about $10.00 for example. this can also fluctuate wildly if standard deviation has it's way with you.
i believe the post above gave you the improvement playing with indices would afford you.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
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