Recent content by aceside

  1. aceside

    Truncating, flooring, or rounding for the Ken Smith strategy cards sold on this site?

    The definition of rounding itself in math is ambiguous. What the original post asking is ambiguous too. In your future BJA4 book using rounding, 2.5 gets rounded to 3, and −2.5 gets rounded to −2. Is this correct?
  2. aceside

    Truncating, flooring, or rounding for the Ken Smith strategy cards sold on this site?

    How come I am a troll? I have contributed more than 300 posts from a beginner AP’s view point, mainly to inform rising new APs from distorted misinformation. Trust me.
  3. aceside

    Truncating, flooring, or rounding for the Ken Smith strategy cards sold on this site?

    Not every responses, but sometimes I have my expertise. Your math makes sense in some degree, but not exactly. This is all about a match between the player’s method and what the deviation indices are intended to be used. I am saying that most published deviation indices are based on the...
  4. aceside

    Truncating, flooring, or rounding for the Ken Smith strategy cards sold on this site?

    I guess only truncating makes scientific sense for most counters because it is more reserved. Flooring is for more aggressive players. Rounding is for nerds.
  5. aceside

    My bankroll now supports Black Chips... Any tips on making the switch from Green (and not getting backed off)?

    I haven't read very much about risk of ruin, but I know the 75% wager on each of the two hands is based on the covariance consideration. ROR is not relevant?
  6. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    I am no Jstat but I read his website. BJanalyser is my collaborator.
  7. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    But what I propose here is that if somebody is doing a 7-side count with HiLo, he can comfortably split the 7,7 vs 8 hand when the true count is zero and there is one deficit of 7s in the remaining per deck.
  8. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    Earlier I published my discovery here, saying that the 7,7 vs 8 hit/split decision is mostly determined by these three cards of 5, 6, and 7, but nobody seems to disagree or agree with me. Can you help verify my result?
  9. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    Nowadays, the 8-deck shoe Hit-17 game has become the new norm in casinos and the table minimum is at least $15. Also, each table is restricted to have only 3-4 players, and almost all of the tables are packed, so wonging out is not an option for APs anymore. I also noticed that many blackjack...
  10. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    Hi-Lo does not really count cards. It only counts the imbalance between the high and low cards. You do not need to waste the time counting neutral cards. I guess only a few people in this world can grasp this skill to the level of gaining some profit. Nobody probably is capable of counting all...
  11. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    I am an experienced newbie. Let me share my perspective with you because I see your confidence. First of all, trust yourself. Do not let anybody sway you. Second, you need a collaborator to beat this game. Nobody can succeed without any of these two.
  12. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    I like this part. This is what I noticed too. Have fun.
  13. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    Do not engage in useless debates. How about we two form a Berkeley team to beat the MIT team?
  14. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    It seems to me that the 2,2, vs 8 should rank below the 3,3 vs 8 in all situations, but you are saying the opposite. Can you explain? Also as I said earlier, the 7,7 vs 8 case is unique and should be taken out of the list. Comment?
  15. aceside

    7 7 vs 8

    Do Not counter me. I am always with you. I welcome your publication of the 123 ranked indices, and I will definitely read it carefully. Your work with variance is especially helpful for me and I hope to see more of your work!