Recent content by evilrobotmonkey

  1. E

    casinos under different ownerships share information?

    do casinos under different ownerships share information about the players? recently, i was at the cafe at red rock station and saw a pit critter at suncoast with the pit critters at red rock station. they were dressed in business attire and looked like they could've been in a meeting (... at a...
  2. E

    lucky ladies using zen count

    from what i know, the lucky ladies side bet is profitable at +7 with hi lo. what about with different counts, such as the zen count? at what count is it profitable? also, there are lucky ladies with different payouts... for example, some pay up to 1000 to 1 for QhQh vs dealer BJ. There...
  3. E

    The game has changed :(

    quicker in terms of the action. i could be wrong, since i haven't had that much experience with shoe games, but when i have played i felt like it was a waiting game. i have to back count, hop around, and usually don't see a count of +3 or better until at least a couple of decks have been...
  4. E

    The game has changed :(

    I foresee having to move on to shoe games eventually. But for now, I opt to play double deck because it's a lot quicker. There are some pretty good double deck games all around but who knows, they might start changing like the one mentioned in this post, or ban me. Yes, I've checked out...
  5. E

    The game has changed :(

    Where are the best games at? I don't play shoe games. And I can't help that I live here. jack, this game is H17.
  6. E

    The game has changed :(

    Ha ha, is this in regards to my not naming the casino? I don't care if everyone knows about this place, since I probably won't return, but I don't know if someone else in the forum would mind.
  7. E

    The game has changed :(

    I've been playing a lot of BJ this week, and noticed that a particular off-strip casino has changed their double deck game since my last visit, which was around a month ago. I went to two of their properties and found that there is now no double after split, and every dealer cuts 50%! The...
  8. E

    What bet spread do I need to use in this scenario

    $48/ hr in a 1/2NL game? i'm guessing it is a $200 max buy in? must be a juicy game.
  9. E

    how do you backcount without looking awkward?

    nice, i actually have done something fairly "creative" before - i stood behind a table while eating an ice cream cone. i took my time until the count went positive. once it got positive i tossed it and jumped in. too bad i can't do this over and over... i can only eat so much ice cream...
  10. E

    Free cardcounting tool get it now

    it contains an ad that tells you to sign up with devilfish's poker site... with a $666 bonus. interesting.
  11. E

    how do you backcount without looking awkward?

    this may be a stupid question... but as the title states, how do you backcount in a multi-deck shoe game without looking awkward? i usually play double deck, and whenever i play a shoe game i sit down after a shuffle. i'll play as long as the count is neutral or positive. if it starts to...
  12. E

    Negative indices for doubling down?

    my question definitely pertains to single or double deck games where i can't wong out. i count using hi-lo and would like to know whats the best strategy to play through those negative counts.
  13. E

    Negative indices for doubling down?

    I wasn't able to find much on the web about this... but are there negative indices for doubling down? For example, when the count is -5, and I have a T against a 9, should I still be doubling? Some hands I might consider just hitting instead of doubling when count is -4 or lower: -A4 vs...
  14. E

    Pressing with press pressure

    they obviously couldn't handle your spreading of 1-5. As in $1-$5. Time to take your profits and run.
  15. E

    Pit Talks About Counting to You??

    doesn't it draw the pit's attention when you jump from one to six hands? i feel like i get looks from the pit when i jump from one to two hands in double deck. but that's double deck. you could've told them to wait til the shoe it's over because you guys are winning, and if the ploppies...