Recent content by onedollarballer

  1. onedollarballer

    Improved bankroll

    off to the casino Thanks for the info and sims and stuff everyone I'm off to the casino!:celebrate
  2. onedollarballer

    Improved bankroll

    lettin' "er" ride Well that sounds fun as long as its not over $50. Like mom always said, "ovebetting might be exciting and fun but a consistent bettor wins in the long run" PS. By 100 max bets do you mean 100 dollars? I'm steering clear from that 'til i make another 5 grand then it'll be...
  3. onedollarballer

    Improved bankroll

    Hello everyone. I am aware that i posted a similar thread earlier on this topic but would like to revisit it once again because i do not understand it perfectly. My bankroll is 5000 and i am playing DD: h17, no das, double any card, no resplits, no surrender,insurance pen is 65%-75%. Am...
  4. onedollarballer

    Spreading one's bet

    Spread for double deck Thanks Sonny, I think this is what I'm going to go with. Just a few dollars an hour though with a 1-30 spread? i guess i've been lucky these past two weeks. Once i hit the big 21 ill be finding a better game for sure.
  5. onedollarballer

    Spreading one's bet

    A whole pound? I usually just take things with a grain. Anyways pardon my ignorance, i must ask. What is a roi, risk of income? Anyways if i can get a better roi id like to know how cause it sounds good. Also I like the idea of doubling it after every 1 increment in the TC, sounds...
  6. onedollarballer

    Spreading one's bet

    spreadin' Yeah that sounds like a good plan except at my casino you have to have double the minimum if you have 2 hands so that means 2 and 2 which lowers my spread. Also if you drop a hand you cant add it until the next shoe.. annoying. As far as heat is concerned though i don't think ill...
  7. onedollarballer

    Spreading one's bet

    backcounting ...Yeah there's no mid shoe entry tho:( so i just bet a dollar or sometimes two when the pit boss is hanging around.
  8. onedollarballer

    Spreading one's bet

    Hello everyone. I have been perusing this site for a couple of weeks and it has earned me about $700$. Woohoo. Anyways I am hoping to up my bankroll and start making some better money since things seem to be falling into place. My BR will be 3000 dollars soon and therefore I will have my max...
  9. onedollarballer

    Counting aces on the side

    zen count hmm... well I suppose i had better switch to Zen count. It will be hard though to unlearn what i have already learned. Thank you for the advice. A .12 increase in PE will hopefully be worth the effort.:o
  10. onedollarballer

    Counting aces on the side

    Hello everyone. I am interested in the idea of counting the aces and believe that it could be beneficial for me considering i play DD games. My question is this: where could one find a good book or article explaining how to do such a thing and incorporate it into one's already learned...
  11. onedollarballer

    Safe max bet

    holecard flashing yeah they deal out of a shoe. I'll try to see if i can catch a glimpse or maybe "persuade" some of the dealers to "flash" me as weird as that sounds. I actually got caught snatching my insurance bet once but since I'm young i just played dumb.. works every time you're right...
  12. onedollarballer

    Safe max bet

    insurance Yeah dude, the dealers at this place are frickin' retarded. For example: once a dealer had a face card, a jack i think, up and offered insurance! I took it and advised everyone at the table to do the same :laugh:
  13. onedollarballer

    Safe max bet

    Well.. my bankroll is 500. So a max bet of 50 is acceptable? seems risky to me with my bankroll size. I'm playing double deck, No surrender, no DAS, H17, double any two cards which I believe to be decent, especially with the 1 dollar limit and opportunity for high spreads. With these rules...
  14. onedollarballer

    Safe max bet

    Hello Everyone, i have started to count a week ago using the hi-lo system counting with a 1 to 15 spread. 1 dollar to 15 dollars max bet. Anyways.. I've only been able to make 300 dollars in the last 5 days. With a higher max bet i can increase my spread and make more money. Correct...