Recent content by Ouchez

  1. O

    CBJN or TrackJack

    Well said Mayor. Kudos to you.
  2. O

    My Initial Answer to The Mayor (Too Long)

    Great post, I do appreciate it. Happy Holidays.
  3. O

    The Shoe From Hell

    I would NOT sell stock or empty savings accounts to recoup those losses. You may be throwing good money after bad. How will you feel if you then lose it again? Devastated? Yes, you will. You should take a break and review your entire strategic plan of attack for the BJ game. When and IF you...
  4. O

    November Podium

    Yes, Strength and Honor=Rob M.
  5. O

    Casino personnel relationships

    Anderson is correct.
  6. O

    They say Rob's gone

    A sad day. :(
  7. O

    These are the last 2 messages from St. Robo...

    I also wish Rob the best and will be thinking positive thoughts about his recovery. He is a very good man. Strength and Honor, Ouchez.
  8. O

    Upper Peninsula of Michigan games

    Forget about it! Mr. pill and wife burnt them all out! They would be intolerant of anyone who refers to a "trip" as a "raid". The last players that tried that ended up in bad shape.
  9. O

    Upper Peninsula of Michigan games

    Hello Mr. Pill and wife... Loose lips sink ships. :) Glad you had a good time.