Recent content by seeC

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    Red 7 count Vs. HI-lo ?? (Archive copy)
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    team work

    Sometime I get my girlfriend to help me count cards. She counts the High's, I count the lows, and every hand she tell me how many appeared and I just minus the total. I only to this when tables are particulary crowded then it doesn't look as suspicious when she says something into my ear, Maybe...
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    Red 7 count Vs. HI-lo ??

    If your good at HiLo then changing to red 7 should be an easy transition. Mathematically speaking Red 7 is slightly more accurate than HiLo and I guess every little advantage helps.
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    High Cards at the Beginning

    If you know there are a lot of tens clumped together I'd imagine thats even better than counting. And if you don't but you just happen to be getting quite a few at the beginning just take all the wins and walk away when it gets too low, theres nothing else you can do... unless you want to...
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    Slowing down the game?

    At the casino I play at all tables have the side game "Perfect Pairs". I like the slower pace as it gives me more time to count cards. I never play the side game either.
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    Blackjack for income?

    It might be just me, but from the way I've read your post your making it sound like it's easy to win. If I discovered i grossed 35K I think I'd be rather happy, not worrying about taxes. Anyways as stated above it can be done but not without counting, which still doesnt make it easy.
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    blackjack counting pro

    Can you really play blackjack with your hand in your pocket for such a long time?