Recent content by SweetAxtion

  1. S

    12 vs. 2. Only one player should take a hit?

    I always play with a Basic Strategy card on the table in front of me to hold up or point at when people scoff at me hitting my 12's versus 2's and 3's...A few weeks ago with a high count and over 4k on the table after doubles and last hand to play out was a 12 versus the dealer's...
  2. S

    Casino Comps

    I'm planning a trip to Vegas this Spring and am going with a bunch of friends who are non -BJ players...You mention that Excalibur comps players who play reds? Any idea what they do for green chip players? I'd play black chips but have never played for large amounts of money outside my own...
  3. S

    Stress & Psychosomatic nature of playing BJ

    Mike, Actually it is all relative in regards the amounts won and lost. Each one of us has different tolerances in regards to what we win and lose. One thing I've been thinking about in regards to the mental aspect of the game and the resulting "stress" that occurs is the deadening effect...
  4. S

    Stress & Psychosomatic nature of playing BJ

    Question for anyone out there that plays BJ as a source of income or to supplement their current incomes in order to pay bills. The reason why I ask this is because playing recreationally and playing in order to pay one's bills I believe affects one differently in regards to one's concious...
  5. S

    where to sit

    Guessing cards I've been known to listen to Art Bell from time to time and sometimes he has guests that talk about ESP...I suppose the only way to utilize this skill is to sit at 3rd base. Skyboy...I'm curious, are you using ESP to "guess" or are you really guessing? Because if you are...
  6. S

    This may be a dumb question...

    Danger Will Robinson! Danger! :D
  7. S

    Busting Vega$ by Ben Mezrich

    My friend just lent my this book and I'm on the 2nd chapter...It's a good read so far into it but from what my friend has already told me (because he wanted to practice it) about the book, they employ as one of their techniques being able to card locate Ace's etc as the dealer shuffles the...
  8. S

    This may be a dumb question...

    Many good replies here already... I too say yes. I've been at it for 5 years now and if experience has taught me anything, you can have a winning percentage but not necessarily a "winning bankroll". For the first 4 years I was always hovering around 70% win ratio...That's great except for...
  9. S

    Are there any other Casino games that have good odds?

    Thanks fellas. I'll do some research on this. On a related note...I wonder if one can purchase a regulation craps table so I could practice at home.
  10. S

    Are there any other Casino games that have good odds?

    Ken, Do you have any info on how this is done? I've heard about it and the local casino we have has a craps table but I haven't gone over and tried it out just yet. Unfortunatley...the "hi-limit" tables where I have made over six figures at is being closed!!! They actually dropped the...
  11. S

    Once in a lifetime hand?

    I've played where the dealer dealt himself four suited 3's in a row followed by by 3 more 3's for a non-bust hand of 18. The pitboss entered this into a computer and told us this was a 1 in 13 million chance.
  12. S

    Your biggest win?`

    I had a reality check the other day at the cash cage when the floor manager was beside me congratulating my 3500 dollar take for the evening. In in order to downplay this win, I mentioned that the past three sessions had me buying in for 43k in order to win a sparkling total of 3k. On further...
  13. S

    what am I doing wrong?

    You can count cards perfectly with 100% accuracy and still lose money. In fact you can lose your entire bankroll if you overbet what your bankroll can sustain when you hit a losing skid. Professional "card counters" can lose more money than a BS player because of situations where they bet...
  14. S

    Bathroom Break - Leave chips on table?

    I've been told by dealers that the casino is not liable for chips stolen when left by players at the table. You are basically relying on the dealers, pit or eye to "watch" your money for you. If they don't catch it you can't hold the casino liable for the money you've lost.
  15. S

    Your biggest win?`

    Biggest win was 25k, biggest loss was 30k. The feeling of "giving up" is there of course. That is the toughest part I think about playing BJ is being able to deal with the emotional highs and lows. If you can't deal with the emotional aspect of losing it can be quite a slippery slope to...