Recent content by Toomany

  1. T

    Differents between European BJ and BS

    Hello everybody i want ask if we split 8s against 10 or Ace and if double 11 against them at European Rule (Dealer takes second card after all the players).The rules are 5 or 6 decks,dealer stands in soft 17 ,DAS,3 times split!!!
  2. T

    Shuflle Machines & Basic Strategy

    Hello my friends!I would like really know if Basic Strategy works against Shuflle Machines (one 2 six).I suppose that every pass is a new one and that is good for BS but i don't know if the shuflle is <good> enough.
  3. T

    Shuflle Machines

    Hello my frieds! I would like to ask if Basic Strategy works against Shuflle Machines (one2six etc.).Please answer only if you really know the answer!