First session of 2017


Well-Known Member
So, here we are. A dark cold Sunday night in dirty old London town. 2016 was a good year and I'm hoping for more of the same. I'm 18 hours into my 'no smoking' regime and I settle down to my first 6 deck game of the year. Only 2 tables running tonight so being the 'pro' I am I settle on the one with the buxom lady dealer who is new. The crusty old geezer on table 2 only cuts off 1.5 so I take my chances. First shuffle and her finely manicured hands cut off 1 deck. I'm a happy bunny. Four other Chinese kids at the table who look like they know each other so I buy in and kick off. For an hour I'm spinning the wheels, nothing happening!! Lo and behold I'm up half of my Buy-in. Every double and split comes my way along with a fair few naturals. The ploppies are being ploppies and playing all over the place losing money. One guy whistles through his teeth as I refuse to take even money on my natural v A.

Then comes the inevitable bad shoe. Two decks in and the count goes bad. No probs. I have a sudden e-mail to answer so turn away, order a coffee and attend to my phone. The ploppies can eat the bad cards. Then it happened.!! As one they all stopped playing.!! Alternating their gaze between me and my increasing pile of chips they had obviously decided (correctly!) that I knew something they didn't. My hot dealer was also gazing at me. My, how I could have read into that. !! This had never happened before.

My mind raced. I thought back through the volumes of books I had pored over during the last few years, the mountains of information I had absorbed concerning white rabbits and table hopping but I could find no terms of reference for this shit fest unfolding before me. The ploppies were going to force me to play a negative shoe. The bastards!! I was indignant.....and god I needed a smoke. I looked over to the geriatric old dealer on the other table, standing alone inviting me to come and play heads up with his piss poor penetration. To hell with that. Another cursory look at the ample cleavage of my dealer and my mind was made up. I was going to play a negative shoe.

In actual fact I played 2 negative shoes and got hurt a little before hitting my first 'hot' shoe of 2017 and bringing in 5 out of 6 max bets.

A happy new year to you all and may you have equal luck and better ploppies than I did in the year ahead.



Active Member
Nice story. I hate when the ploppies catch on and say stuff like, "every time you leave I lose." May they be good card eaters in 2017 and not notice our timely bathroom breaks and entrances.

My first session of the new year wasn't spectacular. I slowly lost my buyin. Bought in again. Almost lost all of that and was about to leave. Then this ploppy decided I was good luck. He insisted I sit next to him. I just wonged in to positive counts and kept him company. I recovered most of my losses and ended up leaving down $30. He bought me dinner. Nice fellow, but he can't play worth a darn, lol.
Fenix said:
Nice story. I hate when the ploppies catch on and say stuff like, "every time you leave I lose." May they be good card eaters in 2017 and not notice our timely bathroom breaks and entrances.
What count do you use, Harley Quin?