Computerized Blackjack Simulation


New Member
My Computer Science class is organizing a huge blackjack-based simulator project. We are planning to incorporate into our simulator everything down to the minutest detail - what kind of shuffle is used, how deep into the decks the dealer goes before shuffling, and a thousand other things I can't think of. [although I am new to this, my teacher is not.]

I was wondering what other projects like ours have been undertaken. So far, I have run into the following programs in my research, but they are all commercial and potentially inflexible.

[in, as far as I can tell, decreasing order of usefulness:]
Casino Vérité Windows Blackjack (!)
Sage Blackjack Simulator
BJ777 Blackjack Simulator
DeepNet Technologies {they offer multiple products}

Does anybody know of any software, perhaps written by some university somewhere, that really pushes the envelope beyond the programs I have listed? We really want to get a sense for what has been done before - i.e. what the most sophisticated simulator out there can do. Thanks in advance.
Casino Verite WITH the key modules for data-risk-sim-shuffle goes beyond anything that you kids can cook up together in one semester. Contact developer Norm Wattenberger and convice him that its a college-class project and he may donate them - [email protected]

The other notable is SBA 5.5 developed by Karel Janacek who teaches math at Pittsbugh U.

And if you want a pro-caliber free DOS-based sim program, here -

-- zg
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