Gamblers Book Shop Closing!!!!


Well-Known Member

CLOSING THE BOOK: Gamblers Book Shop owner Howard Schwartz, a legend in the traditional gaming information business, says he's ready to sell his amazing store after 27 years. Schwartz, 66, purchased it from its original owners, John and Edna Luckman, who started the book shop and publishing company 42 years ago.

The store features nearly 3,000 titles and has an inventory of almost 100,000 books.

"I'd like to pass the baton of colorfulness and integrity to somebody who would really continue this on," Schwartz said.

That person would also have to relocate, as a petition is being circulated around that neighborhood to raze the store and several small dilapidated houses surrounding it to make way for a small commercial center. Unfortunately, it is my understanding that the store only rents their location, and the owners have no desire to keep the building.
