How's The Heat at Kewadin Casinos

Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
And I'm not talking about the outside temperature. Its been several years since I made a trip there. Do they still pay the toll for crossing the big bridge at St Ignace?

I have heard they can be nasty in their backoffs. Anyone have any experience with them or have heard anything about nasty backoffs. And if so which Kewadin is the worst.

Many years ago I stumbled across a 2 for 1 blackjack promotion at St Ignace. It was nice, but at the time I was too dumb to know how to exploit it.

Eye of the Tiger

Well-Known Member
Midwest Player said:
And I'm not talking about the outside temperature. Its been several years since I made a trip there. Do they still pay the toll for crossing the big bridge at St Ignace?

I have heard they can be nasty in their backoffs. Anyone have any experience with them or have heard anything about nasty backoffs. And if so which Kewadin is the worst.

Many years ago I stumbled across a 2 for 1 blackjack promotion at St Ignace. It was nice, but at the time I was too dumb to know how to exploit it.
Really of you have to worry about the bridge fare I don't think you should be playing BJ.

They will pay if you have receipt and 50 points played that day.

Heat, can be bad, rough, but I think you will be ok if you don't get crazy.

They have had better 2-1 than the one you stumbled onto. But that is not in effect at the present, pobably will never happen again.
