Index play 16v10, surrender ?

One of the 'big' index plays is to stand with 16v10 with a count of 1 and >1. If surrender is allowed, should I still surrender? What about 15v10 ?

-4 in Hi-Opt II... but...

... that index doesn't have very much value. Normally you've left the table by that point anyway. But surrender 15 vs.10 and 14 vs.10 are very powerful plays.
Late Surrender Index per SW's Pro Blackjack p269

For the shoe game the indices differ chiefly versus an ace depending on the soft 17 dealer action. All of the below indices are for Hi-Lo, don't have the indicies handy for the other count systems...

16 v 10 TC -2
16 v 9 TC 0
16 v A TC -1 (-4 H17)
(if 8-8, use 1, 7 and -5 for 10, 9, no sur S17 v A; -4 to 5 sur H17 v A)

the above are considered basic strategy

the following are the FAB 4

15 v 10 TC 0
15 v 9 TC 2
15 v A TC 1 (0 H17)
14 v 10 TC 3

also, per pg 93 of my copy of SW's book (the 1994 edition printed 2003)
always late surrender a 17 versus an Ace in a H17 shoe game--that differs from the indice listed in the appendix on page 269

The book is easy to find at your local Borders or Barnes & Noble. It sell for about $20...thus if you want to check out the single deck indicies, or the composition dependent indicies, which are slightly different, just buy the book.
OK here are some

14 vs. 10- surrender wherever you would stand on 12 vs. 3
15 vs.10, 16 vs 9- surrender unless you would draw on 12 vs. 4.
16 vs. A- surrender unless you would draw on 13 vs. 2 (S17)

These should be close enough, I don't know what count the fellow is using or the rules.