John Patrick's Blackjack


Well-Known Member
I was in my local bookstore today and came across John Patrick's Blackjack books. Has anyone read his books? Is this guy for real? I was browsing through his blackjack and advanced blackjack book and did not buy it.

In them he says to always take even money. Never split aces against "the power cards" of 9,10,A, and never double down with 10 or 11 against the 9,10 or A. Also to never split 8's against a 9. He also had some kind of regression betting scheme which I didn't read. He is a jack of all trades gambler and also had books on slots and craps. He does not back up any of his changes with math and obviously knows nothing about mathematical expectancy. At one point he even says he doesn't care what the math geeks say!

I just found him amusing but I guess its not so amusing if you are a beginner and actually adopt his methods for use with real money.


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
.....he says to always take even money. Never split aces against "the power cards" of 9,10,A, and never double down with 10 or 11 against the 9,10 or A. Also to never split 8's against a 9. .......At one point he even says he doesn't care what the math geeks say!

Guess it just goes to show that anyone can write a book.

The 'advice' that you quoted him as giving is WAY off.

The MATH is what it is all about!!! You can't get around it.


Well-Known Member
John Patrick's book " Blackjack for the 21st century"

SystemsTrader said:
I was in my local bookstore today and came across John Patrick's Blackjack books. Has anyone read his books? Is this guy for real? I was browsing through his blackjack and advanced blackjack book and did not buy it.

Yes I have read this book. Amusing and entertaining but his betting strategy is simply a progressive up and pull system, and modifications to Basic Srategy are super conservative. His ideas and his personal stories are for entertainment only. I would never recommend this book and the methods it discribes. The only thing I gained from the book that I could apply to my game was some of his money managment skills, and disicpline that I was personally weak on at the time I read this book. This Author is listed on "Zengrifters books to avoid list" Posted somewhere in this forum.
On this website you will find an excellant selection of books, that are all screened by our site administrator for good information are priced less than I paid for the same books at my local book store.