Professional Blackjack by Wong: Need HELP


Well-Known Member
OK, I Learned basic strategy pretty easily, but I just started to read Wong's book( I knew the basics of HiLo before getting the book), and there is so much new info on what to do when with the count and splitting and Doubling Down. How do I practice this? I definitly do not want to go to a Casino and practice with real money, so is there a program specifically designed for this type of HiLo with drills that I could use? Or is there another way? Please help.
Training Software


Free Download Trainer from BJF

-OR -

Ne Plus Ultra and Practicum by Victor Shelley
The most unique blackjack training software packages on the market today since it will improve your card counting skills. Includes drills to improve counting, true count conversion, deck estimation, play variations, count indices, etc. Use the built in count or create your own balanced or unbalanced count. Newer versions now include the companion Practicum "play" upgrade. Excellent graphics and includes several unique practice and analysis features. Now available on CD which includes the 70 page manual. Editor Note: This is a highly recommended and unique training tool and with the price drop (formerly $120) an absolute best buy! Until SmartCards was available I gave this software my Best Blackjack Training Tool award.
WIN95/NT/XP (ON CD) $40.00 Special: $37.99 - CD / MANUAL ON CD


SmartCards by Extreme Blackjack
SmartCards provides the best card counting training available anywhere. It is not a home blackjack game, but a professional software tool that builds the skills you need to beat the game consistently. SmartCards does this by providing a large range of exercises and practice environments. It supports virtually any card counting system, with features not found in many other practice programs.
WIN95/NT/XP (ON CD) $59.95 Special: $54.95 - CD + PRINTED MANUAL


Blackjack Risk Manager 2002 by John Auston
A "calculator-type" utility program that automatically and instantly performs several complicated blackjack risk-related statistical calculations, providing you with the facts you need to manage your blackjack "risk." Don Schlesinger comments, "Every blackjack player, on every level, should own this magnificent piece of software. It contains virtually every feature, has built in virtually every important formula you will ever need to play blackjack as perfectly as it can be played." This software is also available by Web download or Email delivery. MORE INFO
WIN95/NT/XP $75.00 Special: $73.95 - WEB / EMAIL DELIVERY