Significant Other and BlackJack

So I count through a deck for about 30 mins a day, play hands on my computer at work for about an hour a day, probably less. I love Blackjack because it reveals little suprises to me the more a learn about it. Blackjack is the only hobby that has really caught my attention since my interest in computers caught my attention 7 years ago.

And what do I get- a girlfriend who calls me obsessive.

i find a great hobby and the verbal fists start flying.

"when is this little obsession of yours going to stop?"
"so are you going to blow our life savings someday when we are married?"

"i'm not addicted, it's a fun hobby" - "see, you are in denial"

oh man...I try to explain to her the philosophy of card counting. If you are going to play, play right, gain the edge in the long run.

Has anyone encountered this? Do I need to dodge the bullet or what?

Get a new woman friend. When you start making headway in this game the chicks will be impressed at the tables. Money is a female attractant. She should be happy with you learning a positive art. All kidding aside card counting is a tough business and so is having a girlfriend, wife, or a full family. All I can say I being a veteran of the marriage wars is that if she does not accept your life, lock stock and barrel then you may have to make a choice. Her or the gamblers life. Some guys are lucky they have women who stand or sit next to them at the tables. LTC
The funny thing is...

so she calls me obsessive....

we go on this cruise and she is the one with her eyes bugging out as she drops 115 bucks into the slots and checks the machine for lost quarters.

I lose 4 units. =P
Re: The funny thing is...

I have a small group or team if you must name it. Our number one rule is no non-players on a trip. No female distractions either. We dont bring our girlfirends with us. Experience has taught us that a complaining attention seeking female will cause dissention in the group fast. Now during our off party hours if a member needs to get a female fix he's on his own. Any way an old gambler told me if you cant find a woman in vegas then hell drive to Pahrump. You sound like you want to get serious with this count thing. Make the decision. Good luck. Oh yeah hey you were on a romantic cruise so maybe you are the one that is wrong on this one. You obviously invited her on the cruise so you have to take the good with the bad. LTC
This used to happen to me as well. My girlfriend told me I was obsessed and when we went to Vegas she would get real pissy with me whenever I bought in for more than 60 dollars.

To solve this I made a deal with her. If she wanted to go to Vegas/Laughlin/Tahoe with me in the future she had to learn Basic Stratey and read Blackjack Secrets.

The results were great. The next time we went to Laughlin we played single deck she flat bet and got drunk while I spread 1-5 and she held her cards so that i could see them every hand that she wasnt doubling or splitting. She was happier, had more fun, and even wanted to stay at the tables longer than i did. Instead of being unhappy with me the next day like on previous trips, she ended up being in such a great mood that when we were in Vegas the next night she paid for drinks at the Golden Goose.

I recomend you try to make some sort of similar deal.


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
My first marriage

My first marriage ended because of Blackjack. Not by my choice, I was away on a trip and my wife cancelled the credit cards, changed the locks, and told me I was not welcome home again. She filed for divorce a few days later to "protect her and our family from my gambling."

My second marriage is to a woman who says to me, before each trip, "You know the only thing I care about, right? That you come home safely." Once a year I show her my balance sheet -- she never asks how I did when I come home from a trip.

Be careful on this one, you are playing for real here.



Well-Known Member
That's a very tough situation that I also find myself in. She doesn't mind the time I spend practicing as much though. Our problem is that we go to the casino together and she WILL NOT play BJ. She insists on playing the slots, so we are never ready to leave at the same time. Last night is a perfect example. I'm just starting to get my money back and she threatens to leave me at the casino if I don't leave immediately. It was 4 in the morning so I guess she was entitled to be pissed, but hell, I wasn't ready to quit just yet. ;-)

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: My first marriage

My first one was a little more covert an overthrow than yours EJ. Years later she got wind of my playing and said "He was always good with money." My present wife was sceptical until she saw the $$ rolling in. It helps as EJ says to let her see the results of the time spent away from family. Most of the time I am playing right from the living room with my family all around me. When I get a blackjack it is "tickle torture time," so I make sure that I stay involved with my family by gaming from home where I find I also has the biggest advantage. Who could ask for anything more? Reminds me of a song......
I went through the same thing with one of the girls I date. She never understood my obsession until I started including her in my playing. Now she's part of my cover. She's an absolute knockout, and can smooze and act hammered with the best of them, all the while, keeping a side count or backcounting the next table.

Next up for the princess - Shuffle Tracking..



Active Member
My solutions

When I go out and have a winning trip, I bring home something in the Little Blue Box. One trip to Tifannys is worth 3-4 more trips without any questions asked. Two or three winning trips in a row and I am good for the year.

You think I am joking? Try it sometime. Even if you are only up $200, blow it all on a necklace or bracelet and say "Yeah I was doing so well, this is for you." Never had a problem in 5 years using this system.
Re: My solutions

Well, you can keep buying her expensive gifts so you can earn your "Gambling Coupons" if you want. I bet it doesnt help your trip BR much. I strongly suggest including here in your passion of the game. She CAN be useful cover. Besides, when she's hooked, chances are she'll chip into your BR.



Active Member
Re: My solutions

MLB I am actually very happy that she does not enjoy gambling. She has been to Vegas once and didnt enjoy it all that much. Personally, after three years, I like the fact that it is one part of my life she is not a part of. Keep in mind, I dont do this for a living, I do it for fun and to make money. So if spending $200 on a necklace one trip means my BR is ($200) but my home life is not only exponentially happier, but my gambling trips are done with exponentially LESS hassle, that is a win-win-win situation all around for me and certainly the utility I derive out of the expenditure farr excedes the expenditure itself.