Sit back and let a "pro" do the counting for you! *LINK*


Well-Known Member
This guy doesn't sound like a scam artist at all. I'm sure lots of well financed professionals have advertised themselves on eBay. Maybe this is Tommy Highland! Yeah, right.


just goes to show...

no matter how good you think you are, there is always someone better out there. I only wish I could win 30% every trip I take. In reality I would be happy to win on 2 of every 3 trips. Guess I need to go practice some more, there is a lot of room for improvement...
He is charging $5000

and right below the verbage is an advertisement for free counters. Now how is he supposed to compete with that?

But seriously, he states that he wins every time, then he says at the end it's a "long term deal....not one time shot". Am I missing some stupidity or understanding it perfectly?
Interesting idea, but he doesn't sound legit

If I was going to hire myself out as a counter, I'm going to to tell my sponsor exactly what I'm going to do and how when and where I'm going to do it. What count, what spread, what games, etc. Not just "I have a system."

But it does seem like it would be cool to have a bourse where investors could meet up with the undercapitalized and skilled. (Like several people here!) You could start out with small bankrolls, and get a history and rating system much like Ebay's very successful one, to weed out the crooks and quacks before anybody hands them big money. The bourse could keep ID on all players and give them a skills test at the casino of their choice before turning them loose among investors.


Well-Known Member
The biggest detail of all... that he never claims to be a card counter! He only says that he has a "realistic simple system" with a 130% ROI per "trip" of unmentioned length.

I seriously doubt this guy a any clue whatsoever about how to beat the game. Even if he could, why would he advertise publicly? Wouldn't he be afraid of who would contact him?
