Which card to start counting on-when card counting?

Just as the title says, in the game of blackjack which card do you start counting on, is there a certain order you need to be counting them in? Thanks for any answers.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own method. I start when the second card is dealt to the first player and then count each card as it is dealt during the hit/stand decisions. That's at a face up of course.


Well-Known Member
I also count them as the 2nd card to each players comes out and count them in pairs. Thne count players hit cards as they come out, and finally all the dealers cards.


Well-Known Member
If you wait for the second card, many times the paired cards will cancel each other and no change to your running count is necessary.
Less mental gymnastics = more quality counting time.
But don't wait too long ... sometimes when the dealers bust or get 21 they can be quick to snatch the cards up.


Active Member
neemo6 said:
I also count them as the 2nd card to each players comes out and count them in pairs. Thne count players hit cards as they come out, and finally all the dealers cards.
Why not count the dealers upcard before you play your hand, otherwise you're just wasting info.


Well-Known Member
Hyland said:
Just as the title says, in the game of blackjack which card do you start counting on, is there a certain order you need to be counting them in? Thanks for any answers.

I count each card as it is dealt out. Works well for shoe games, but i havent tried it in a pitch game. In a pitch game it would be better to count them two at a time since you dont see the other players cards til the end of the round.