Recent content by Swindler

  1. Swindler

    BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5

    Thanks Folks! I'd correct the error but I think editing is turned off - don't think its worth uploading a new xls - now that it been called out - :joker:
  2. Swindler

    Relative difficulty of card counting strategies

    My 2 Cents As a new counter I feel Red 7 is easier than KO. Personally, and it may be different for everyone, but I feel the added difficulty of suit aware counts like Red 7/ KISS get a lot more attention then they deserve. Both the larger range of the count of KO and more actual cards to...
  3. Swindler

    Unbalanced vs. balanced?

    Kiss irc I also use KISS III with the Red 7 tags - I read Renzey's previous posts saying it didn't make much difference and it was easier for me not to switch. I also kept the 0 pivot as I don't mind negative numbers. But I have been using a IRC of -11 for six decks (not -12) as I thought...
  4. Swindler

    KISS 3 Half Point counting - life on the border

    Thanks DC ~ Actually that makes perfect sense and I realize I need to reexamine the question. What I was so inarticulately intending to ask is: The only conditions where by keeping track of .5s would be of benefit is when two of the cards you would not normally track (red 2s or black...
  5. Swindler

    KISS 3 Half Point counting - life on the border

    Fred Renzey's excellent book BJBBII mentions a small improvement in BC when counting ALL 2s (or 7s if Red Seven) as .5. My question is, if your IRC is say 18.5 and you have an index applicable hand- do you round up, or down - or does it depend on the index? Or better - how to make use of...
  6. Swindler

    BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5

    UBZ II OS XLS Reference Chart I have attempted to take Boneuphtoner's UBZ II OS indices and overlay them on a composite basic strategy chart for easy reference. I have tried to visually call out changes to basic strategy (as well as DAS changes) and note specifically what those changes...
  7. Swindler

    KISS 3 Question

    Thanks so much! Your book is so helpful, and your advise is most appreciated.
  8. Swindler

    KISS 3 Question

    If one wanted to begin with only the basic advantage plays of KISS 1- but utilize the KISS 3 tags (as mentioned in BJBB II page 159) Would they still be implemented at "20" (for shoe games)? The IRCs for shoes were lowered one point for KISS 2/3 and in the index (155) some are listed at 19 -...