Question, from a newB. . .about KO

so iv been practicing the KO counting strategy for a while and Im gettting pretty good (at home). I recently opened up the book and got confused. . .for 6D game the IRC is -20 and key count is -4. Why? theres 120 cards 10-A, 144 cads 2-7. To me. . .it seems like the key count is at a point where the shoes still rich in 2-7. I know I'm missin somethin here but i cant figure out what (im the type who wants to know why).

Also, Iv been trying to take blackjack semi-serious for a little while now and Im relatively young. Is it at all realistic to expect to eventually make real money at it. Im trying to develop my skill to the point of makeing some real money but don't know if im being unrealistic


Well-Known Member
It depends where in the shoe you are, how much of an advantage (or disadvantage) you have.

For example, say 52 cards have been dealt. Your count, starting at -20, should now be -16 (each deck having a net count of +4.) If you are at -4 at this point, your remaining deck is 12 cards rich in high cards. This give you a TC = +2.4, a nice advantage. Late in the deck (more than 4 decks dealt), you are actually at a disadvantage at the key count, but that changes to an advantage relatively quickly as each card has more of an effect on the TC at that point. Overall, the sims show KO to be a very viable system.

On your other question, there are a few pros here than can answer from personal experience, but if you were my kid, I'd strongly discourage forgoing college for some get-rich-quick scheme that may or may not be successful.
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thanks for your help. . .that makes sense to me. I now remember that KO only briefly discusses TC. . .and I'm assuming thats a pretty important part of success