The Tech Vol. 81 No. I
Cambridge, Mass., Friday, February 10, 1961 5 Cents
Math Instructor Programs Computor
Thorpe, 704 Beat Blackjack!
By Jeff Levinger
Edward O. Thorp, an instructor in MIT's Mathematics Department, has recently published preliminary results of a study on "A Favorable Strategy for Blackjack."
... here: http://tech.mit.edu/archives/VOL_081/TECH_V081_S0000_P001.pdf
Cambridge, Mass., Friday, February 10, 1961 5 Cents
Math Instructor Programs Computor
Thorpe, 704 Beat Blackjack!
By Jeff Levinger
Edward O. Thorp, an instructor in MIT's Mathematics Department, has recently published preliminary results of a study on "A Favorable Strategy for Blackjack."
... here: http://tech.mit.edu/archives/VOL_081/TECH_V081_S0000_P001.pdf