
Same as -1,1,1,1,1,1,.5,0,-.5,-1 ?

I don't know, but if I was on desert island, and had to use it, I notice that it is obviosly a balanced count. I would go


Other wise, I think the running count could get really high\low.
It's purpose

It's purpose is for use in high-spread shoe games, with it's very high BC. Ran a sim on it and found it to be about as good as HO2+A in that kind of game, and with some tweaking I might be able to get it to outperform it. Even if it's not quite as good it is certainly easier and it's something I could more easily teach others.
You might want to try the Revere

The Revere PC is almost the same (-212222100-2) with a BC of .98
(from Griffin), and I think the 2 & 9 are more accurately represented.
Problem with the 9.

Although counting the 9 as -1 helps with BC a little, you lose more power because:

a negative 9 hurts your IC (Insurance, most important play you can make).
it also hurts your 12 vs 2 12 vs 3 play indices.

You would do much better overall with:
-2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -2
try this one

I learned (sidecount,1,2,2,3,2,2,1,-1,-3).

This was suggested in the first AP book I read.
I try to master the Hi-low after. But It seems to
me that is tough to change your card counting method (persistent
reflexes). This method is consistent.

First Book:

Les secrets du Blackjack, Pierre Courchesne (Don't

remember the editor)

After presenting the method and the strategy cards(covered with
indices), there are pure moments of mythology

-Leave the table after 3 losses (reapeated 3 times)
-if an unlucky dealer (busting dealer) switch table, follow him
-dont grab your bet after 3 consecutives wins
-11 vs ace*; double>10 (refers to true count)
-16 vs 6; hit<-40 (hit the bathroom?)

No statistics at all(EV,ROR, etc..)
(*maybe its good for europpean hole)

Anyway, I build illusions, I remembered my programming course(I hate programming),
I tried to find correlation between wins and losses, studied some
shuffles, I've been fascinated by card clumping etc..
I found myself a genius many times, my computer did not agree.
Its because of this book if I'm in it!!!
