2 questions


New Member
1. What is the estimated ROR with the K-O full system for the following game?

Backcounting 4.5 / 6, H17 DAS LS with a spread of 1 - 2 - 4 - 4,4 - 8,8 - 12,12

for a 2,000 unit bank?

2. When will the latest revised edition of Humble's WGBJB be out?



Without sim or BJA... *PIC*

... I would say about 1.6u/100hands with virtually NO RoR. But that info alone must be tempered with regard to variance, and the possibility of a protracted negative swing and the possibility of being upside down for 100s of hours. You would be far better off to backcount such a game and enter with 4u at the pivot.

Okay gang what is his RoR? zg


reverse-kelly betting

Okay gang what is his RoR? zg

Is there a way to size George's bets that minimizes his advantage while ensuring a risk of ruin of 100%? Not that he isn't doing just fine on his own. . .