6D or 2D


Active Member
Hi guys.

I've been playing 6D H17 DAS DA2 Surr 83% pen w/ Wongs Hi-Lo indices from -1 to 6.

If I'm playing 2D H17 NoDAS D10,11 No Resplits No Sur 75% pen, can I use the same strategy numbers? Or would they vary too much?

Also what do you figure is the better game? I'm guessing the 6D w/ 83%
The 6D is probably better, because the DD has bad rules and the 6D has surrender. But that's pretty good pen for DD.

The index numbers will probably be OK, but the Basic Strategy split plays are going to differ significantly for the DD game because there is no DAS. You do a bit less splitting without DAS.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
The 6D is probably better, because the DD has bad rules and the 6D has surrender. But that's pretty good pen for DD.
I agree with AutoApe. The DD pen is great which means that you can expect plenty of high counts. Unfortunately, because of the terrible rules you will also be waiting for higher counts to raise your bets. Also, I assume that you would not Wonging the DD game. In that case the 6D game with good rules, good pen and Wonging will be superior.



Active Member
ZG, isn't a betting spread without specifying the TC betting range pretty vague?

I've been playing the 6D shoe w/ a 1 to 8 spread. $5 units, but because the minimum bet is only 3 dollars it's more or less a 1-13 spread. And with the great 83% pen I figure this is beatable and within my $5000 replenishable bankroll.

TC = 0/ 0.6 unit
TC = 1/ 0.6 unit
TC = 2/ 2 units
TC = 3/ 4 units
TC = 4/ 6 units
TC>=5/ 8 units

Would you make any changes?

The 2D game is 5 dollar min bet. Could I still use the same 1 - 8 spread. I don't think my bankroll is sufficient for a 1-15 spread.


Well-Known Member
Matt said:
ZG, isn't a betting spread without specifying the TC betting range pretty vague?
Yes, but it will give you a good idea of how much you will need to spread your bets in order to beat the game. The actual TC at which you adjust your bets (the bet ramp) will depend on many factors (your system, how many indices you use, the rules of the game, heat, etc.) so it is difficult for someone to recommend an exact betting ramp.

The betting strategy you mentioned above looks pretty good. It will earn you about $6.25/hr. If you Wong in/out at +1/-1 then you can bring that up to over $7/hr without changing your bet ramp. If you can Wong in/out and adjust your bet ramp accordingly you can probably make $10-$15/hr.

Matt said:
I've been playing the 6D shoe w/ a 1 to 8 spread. $5 units, but because the minimum bet is only 3 dollars it's more or less a 1-13 spread.
That’s exactly right. Even though you are using a $5 unit you are still getting a 1-13 spread because your minimum bet is less than 1 unit.

Matt said:
The 2D game is 5 dollar min bet. Could I still use the same 1 - 8 spread.
Sure, and you will make just under $8/hr at the DD game despite the bad rules! :eek: Frankly I’m surprised, but that 75% penetration really helps out more that I thought. As I mentioned in my last post, if you can Wong either in or out (or both) then the 6D game is best, otherwise go for the DD game.



Well-Known Member
Matt said:
ZG, isn't a betting spread without specifying the TC betting range pretty vague?

I've been playing the 6D shoe w/ a 1 to 8 spread. $5 units, but because the minimum bet is only 3 dollars it's more or less a 1-13 spread. And with the great 83% pen I figure this is beatable and within my $5000 replenishable bankroll.

TC = 0/ 0.6 unit
TC = 1/ 0.6 unit
TC = 2/ 2 units
TC = 3/ 4 units
TC = 4/ 6 units
TC>=5/ 8 units

Would you make any changes?

The 2D game is 5 dollar min bet. Could I still use the same 1 - 8 spread. I don't think my bankroll is sufficient for a 1-15 spread.
I would spread to two hands at higher plus counts. Something like 2X4 at +4, and 2X6 at +5 and higher.