7:5 blackjack?

bj bob

Well-Known Member
The other day I was commenting to a friend of mine about some of the new pitfalls the casinos have incorporated to thwart card counters e.g. 6/8 deck shoes, no mid entry,CSMs and especially the dreaded 6:5 blackjack payout. He commented "You mean 7:5, don't you?" and told me that the last time he was in Vegas he remembered 7:5 games. At first I just thought his memory was just clouded by too much booze, naked women and extra strenght nasal spray, but then something told me that I seem to remember 7:5 at a few tables back then. Could anyone verify if the casinos started this stupid rule in increments or did they all go straight to 6:5? BTW, out of curiosity, what would the house advantage be in that scenario, given other decent rules e.g. l-2 deck Sl7, 60%+ Pen,LS,DAS. Thanks BJ


Staff member
I've never seen 7:5 either, but I hear that some casinos in Denmark have a mandatory dealer tip of 10% of your bet when you get a blackjack. Bingo, there's your 7:5 game!