A8 (soft 19) vs 6; double down or stand?


Well-Known Member
Most basic strategy says to stand on A8 (soft 19) vs 6, but I think I've read somewhere that you are supposed to double down in the following game; is this true?

- 6 decks
- dealer hits on soft 17


Well-Known Member
gobbledygeek said:
Most basic strategy says to stand on A8 (soft 19) vs 6, but I think I've read somewhere that you are supposed to double down in the following game; is this true?

- 6 decks
- dealer hits on soft 17
There is a very good strategy engine that will generate the correct basic strategy for just about any game. Key in the parameters and it will tell you what you should do. But in this particular instance, you would double down. The key, is that the dealer hits soft 17's. You would stand if the dealer stands on soft-17's.