Advantage in blackjack in online casino - is it real?


New Member

My name is Antony. Long enough i professionally practice in gambling in online.
Now we research new direction for us - BlackJack.

Can you say - is advantage in online casiono real?
We have necessary infrasrtucture, players that are ready to study, quite big bankroll , etc .


Well-Known Member
Generally, playing at an advantage at an online casino is very difficult, but this depends on your expectations. Games are usually marginal to terrible, and there is the ever-present threat of simply not being paid. The days of bonus hustling and such are largely gone.


New Member
johndoe said:
Generally, playing at an advantage at an online casino is very difficult, but this depends on your expectations. Games are usually marginal to terrible, and there is the ever-present threat of simply not being paid. The days of bonus hustling and such are largely gone.
Johndoe, do you know cases if somebody stably makes money this way?


Well-Known Member
Yes it is possible to gain an advantage in online play. The most obvious answer is to learn how to count cards and then count the live dealer games.


New Member
Meistro said:
Yes it is possible to gain an advantage in online play. The most obvious answer is to learn how to count cards and then count the live dealer games.
Meistro, do you know cases if somebody stably makes money this way?


Well-Known Member
AntonGsrv1988 said:
Johndoe, do you know cases if somebody stably makes money this way?
No, not specifically. There are probably a few people content to grind out a few dollars an hour. Not really worth the time in most first-world countries.


Well-Known Member
The thing is that usually blackjack at actual casinos is a much better choice. Better penetration and rules, and you don't have to worry about some shady online casino stiffing you if you win. Game speed is a lot faster. There are a lot of advantages to offline play. But you could definitely beat some of the games online for $100+ / hr if you had sufficient bankroll.