anyone want to evaluate some SCORE numbers?


Well-Known Member
I don't have UBZII details in front of me, but I think your ramp must be off. Try letting PowerSim calculate the optimal 1-10 ramp (possibly with zero for very negative counts) and see what you get. You want a SCORE above 50 (or somewhat less if getting lots of hands per hour.) Even a BS counter should get a score higher than the one in the teens that you got in your game.


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
if you know more about them than me, help me out here:
I can only tell u that when Schlesinger originally defined SCORE (Standardized Comparison of Risk and Expectation) the definition was the expected dollar amount won after playing or watching 100 hands by a Kelly-constrained card counting better in possesion of a $10K bank using I18 and Fab 4. And also depending on number of players and number of decks at the table either playing-all or back-counting.

It has become a measure of almost any kind of hourly win rate, whether betting Kelly or a fraction therof and no matter how many hands per hour or players at the tablle.

Comparing one to another can be a little dangerous if ur goal is to determine the "better" game.