basic strategy question

going with the strategy for 2 deck, das, double after any card, rsa

say you get A,3 versus a 4. You hit and pull a 3. Now you are A,6 versus a 4.

You cannot double anymore since you have three cards. Now that is a soft 17 against a 4. Do you hit or stand?

What about A, 2, 3, versus a 4? Again, can't double anymore. Soft 16 versus a 4.

I have always stood, but please confirm


Well-Known Member
Yikes, not to be rude but the casinos must love you!! Why on G-d's earth would you ever stand on a 6 vs a dealer 4?? 17 is not a winning hand. Ask yourself this and then you'll be able to answer your question. Why do many casinos hit soft 17s which is the same thing as you having A,3,3?
Thunder said:
Yikes, not to be rude but the casinos must love you!! Why on G-d's earth would you ever stand on a 6 vs a dealer 4?? 17 is not a winning hand. Ask yourself this and then you'll be able to answer your question. Why do many casinos hit soft 17s which is the same thing as you having A,3,3?
hit then. yeah, good point about H17 that's a .20% advantage there for the house. And I've only played a couple times and have always been up. thanks
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Well-Known Member
If you are using the strategy charts from the Wizard of Odds, you should see that some of the doubles say Dh and some say Ds. Take a look at the legend at the bottom. Dh means double if allowed, otherwise hit. Ds means double if allowed, otherwise stand. The times you would not be allowed to double would be if you are playing a game that restricts doubles to only 10 and 11, for example, or if you have more than 2 cards. The only hands where you would double if possible but stand if you can't double would be soft 18 and soft 19 hands. Never stand on soft 17 or below.