Belle of Baton Rouge

Played for 3 days at Belle of Baton Rouge... and found the games to be ok. All are
H17 (bummer), but all offer late surrender. One CSM machine, all the rest (about 6 more tables) were 6 deck shoe. The key feature was penetration. The dealers varied widley. The worst was about a 2 deck cut--- but I found 2 dealers that only cut off 1/2 of a deck. I played mostly @ green chip tables because the others were to crowded. However, I did get a spot at a $5 min table that was great! Dealer cut off between 1/2 and 3/4 deck everytime... and I spread from $5 to $400 and no one even raised an eyebrow. Maybe because I had been playing at quarter tables before, I don't know. Over the 3 days I played about 20 hours, got comped to everything I asked for, and left with a little over 3K of the casino's cash. All in all, time well spent!

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Staff member
"Casino Rouge" would now be called Hollywood Casino Baton Rouge.
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KenSmith said:
That would now be called Hollywood Casino Baton Rouge.

Sorry, Ken. I meant to say Belle of Baton Rouge... the one next to the USS Kidd. I tried the Hollywood and found the penetration to be not very good. I will edit and correct my first post.

One funny thing

I did have one funny thing happen on this trip. We were near the end of a shoe, and I had my max bet out of $200. Dealer flipped up and had a hard 17 but hit it anyway with an ace. I had 20 so I won. She realized her mistake and called the pit boss over and told him what happend. He said ok, but burn the Ace. I was playing heads up... and objected. I'm sorry she screwed up and showed me the Ace, but how is that my problem? That Ace was comming to me and I did not want to get screwed out of it. The pit and I could not agree, so I asked for the manager. He came out and we discussed it. He asked me how much I wanted to bet on the next hand. I said I was going to "let it ride" from my last win for a total of $400. This is way over my bet max, but the count was sky high and I knew I was getting an Ace! The manager made a call, came back over and said "Ok, let him have the Ace." I drew a second Ace on top of the first and split them. Ended up with a 19 and a 21. Dealer busted so I got paid twice. That was sweet! I stood firm for what I thought was right and it ended up paying off.



Well-Known Member
I am hoping Adventureboy wasn't too harsh is his attempt to pursuade the powers to be.
Or his next adventure could be short
Way to stick up for game!!!!!


adventureboy said:
I did have one funny thing happen on this trip. We were near the end of a shoe, and I had my max bet out of $200. Dealer flipped up and had a hard 17 but hit it anyway with an ace. I had 20 so I won. She realized her mistake and called the pit boss over and told him what happend. He said ok, but burn the Ace. I was playing heads up... and objected. I'm sorry she screwed up and showed me the Ace, but how is that my problem? That Ace was comming to me and I did not want to get screwed out of it. The pit and I could not agree, so I asked for the manager. He came out and we discussed it. He asked me how much I wanted to bet on the next hand. I said I was going to "let it ride" from my last win for a total of $400. This is way over my bet max, but the count was sky high and I knew I was getting an Ace! The manager made a call, came back over and said "Ok, let him have the Ace." I drew a second Ace on top of the first and split them. Ended up with a 19 and a 21. Dealer busted so I got paid twice. That was sweet! I stood firm for what I thought was right and it ended up paying off.

Nice play man,,,I dig it the most!:cool:

You sound like the kind of playa I respect,,,you have an open invite to the next, very exclusive, BJ BASH.:grin:



Well-Known Member
You need to think twice before describing a detailed incident
so graphically - with an approx. date at a particular place.

You don't want to "out" yourself now, do you ?

If this was a major BJ store, you'd be toast by now.

You may already be, but I hope not.
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FLASH1296 said:
You need to think twice before describing an incident so specifically - with an approx. date at a particular place.

You don't want to "out" yourself now, do you ?

If this was a major BJ store, you'd be toast by now.
Good point, large or small casino,,,he may already be toast, or the games may.:(

But I admire this dudes play, you must admit he has Ballz, and he ain't no Puzzy:laugh:


Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
adventureboy said:
I found 2 dealers that only cut off 1/2 of a deck.

Not to be mean, but if you've got a Golden Goose, telling a few players you trust is one thing, but don't tell the world about it on the internet--because management, surveillance, or an employee could easily see your post.

Two things might happen to you the next time you go back:

1. All the 6 Deck games could be cut off at 2 decks.

2. You're backed off or 86ed upon entering the property (with the details you provided, they can go back and study the tapes and determine if you were playing with an advantage--if so, adios).


Finn Dog said:

Not to be mean, but if you've got a Golden Goose, telling a few players you trust is one thing, but don't tell the world about it on the internet--because management, surveillance, or an employee could easily see your post.

Two things might happen to you the next time you go back:

1. All the 6 Deck games could be cut off at 2 decks.

2. You're backed off or 86ed upon entering the property (with the details you provided, they can go back and study the tapes and determine if you were playing with an advantage--if so, adios).


Well, obviously, I am not too worried. I only play there about once every other month. I have found the penetration to be terrible in the past... but was pleasently surprised this time. Like I said, it was different with different dealers. I seriously doubt it will be a problem... but if so, no big deal. There are a lot of casino's within a 2 hrs drive of where I live. If things are so tight that they are sweating my small win, then maybe they should tighten up.


Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
adventureboy said:
Well, obviously, I am not too worried. I only play there about once every other month. I have found the penetration to be terrible in the past... but was pleasently surprised this time. Like I said, it was different with different dealers. I seriously doubt it will be a problem... but if so, no big deal. There are a lot of casino's within a 2 hrs drive of where I live. If things are so tight that they are sweating my small win, then maybe they should tighten up.

No, no Adventureboy--that's not the point.

The point is, we loved hearing your story of the burned Ace--and lived vicariously through your adventure--it's just you should never name names when there's a good game with deep pen--because loose lips sink ships.

The most famous example was at the old Aladdin in Vegas. At one time, about when the internet and sites like this were proliferating, the Aladdin had a table games manager who bucked conventional wisdom. He felt if he dealt all his decks deeply, the tiny fraction he gave up to card counters would more than be offset by less time spent shuffling, happy Ploppies, word of mouth advertising, and repeat customers. He was right of course.

The problem was, a bunch of counters got on the old Card Counter's Cafe site (IIRC), and talked about what easy pickin's could be had at the Aladdin. And you know what happened? The casino manager got word of it and was embarrassed--and ordered that all decks be cut off to thwart card counters...

And that's what killed the Golden Goose.

True story.

Finn Dog
Finn Dog said:
No, no Adventureboy--that's not the point.

The point is, we loved hearing your story of the burned Ace--and lived vicariously through your adventure--it's just you should never name names when there's a good game with deep pen--because loose lips sink ships.

The most famous example was at the old Aladdin in Vegas. At one time, about when the internet and sites like this were proliferating, the Aladdin had a table games manager who bucked conventional wisdom. He felt if he dealt all his decks deeply, the tiny fraction he gave up to card counters would more than be offset by less time spent shuffling, happy Ploppies, word of mouth advertising, and repeat customers. He was right of course.

The problem was, a bunch of counters got on the old Card Counter's Cafe site (IIRC), and talked about what easy pickin's could be had at the Aladdin. And you know what happened? The casino manager got word of it and was embarrassed--and ordered that all decks be cut off to thwart card counters...

And that's what killed the Golden Goose.

True story.

Finn Dog
I guess I see your point. To my mind, a H17 6 deck game is not the golden goose, but to each his own. I have a hard time believing that Belle personal are monitoring this website... But if there is even the slightest chance I screwed something up for someone else, then for that I sincerly apologize. I do not have a network of buddies on this website to pass on info. to. I was just trying to let folkes know that there seemed to be a playable game at this moment in time @ the Belle. If I screwed the pooch, I'm sorry. I will be more careful in the future.


Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
adventureboy said:
I guess I see your point. To my mind, a H17 6 deck game is not the golden goose, but to each his own. I have a hard time believing that Belle personal are monitoring this website... But if there is even the slightest chance I screwed something up for someone else, then for that I sincerely apologize. I do not have a network of buddies on this website to pass on info. to. I was just trying to let folkes know that there seemed to be a playable game at this moment in time @ the Belle. If I screwed the pooch, I'm sorry. I will be more careful in the future.

No apology necessary, all we're trying to do here is help each other learn--but very noble of you to offer it.

Remember, pen trumps everything--including H17. LS just sweetens the pot!

Best regards and good cards,
