best card counting strategies

Darren Deedon

New Member
What are some good books on card counting strategies (when and how much to bet and when to hit when it is againts basic strategy).

Also, If the true count is say -3, does that mean the house has an even greater advantage? Or, is it the same as a true count of +3 (player advantage)?

Thanks for any help :cool2:


Staff member
True Count Advantage/Disadvantage

Because almost all blackjack games start with a house edge in favor of the casino, the casino edge at -3 will be higher than the player's edge at +3.

As a good rule of thumb, the typical Hi-Lo true count is worth about 0.5% of advantage per point of true count. If the initial game's house edge is 0.5%, then at True +3 the player has an edge of around 1.0% (That's the starting edge of -0.5% + 3*0.5%.) At a True -3, the house edge is around 2.0%.

In each case the player edge is the initial house edge plus or minus 1.5%.

Good books? I expect to add a new book to the store at this site in the next day or two. It's Kevin Blackwood's "Play Blackjack Like The Pros", and I think it's one of the best intros available. I also like Wong's Professional Blackjack, and there are other excellent choices as well.