Betting and playing decisions with the count


Well-Known Member
I was listening to a 'gambling with an edge' podcast recently when Munchkin described how he would bet with the count. For example, if the Running Count is 15 with 4 decks left which is just under TC4 he would round his bet up as if it was a TC4 but still use playing decisions for a TC3. Just wondering if other members here also do that or would wait until the TC does indeed hit 4 before betting that amount in this situation. Thanks everyone :)


Well-Known Member
perhaps Munchkin does so, with the idea of opportunity risk in mind, where it's the case that 'higher' true counts happen less frequently, so take a shot before it disappears, sorta thing.
just guessing on my part.
at any rate i think the rounding (up or down) of the actual TC it's self is a decision the counter makes and tries to be consistent about when he goes about calculating the TC. i forget what the reasons are regarding the decision as to rounding up or down regarding calculating the TC.


Well-Known Member
I think if you have a big enough bankroll, playing conservative kelly with a decent spread it should be ok to round your bet up when the TC is just under 3 or 4 but it may not be worth rouding your bet up when the TC is just under 2 as the advantage would still be quite small. I guess if your bankroll is large enough it can handle that extra variance. Other members thoughts? Thanks :)