betting and playing efficiency


Well-Known Member
The Playing Efficiency is a measure of how efficient the count's associated indices for altering your plays from Basic Strategy are.

The greater the number of decks in the game the less important this is. Ergo, in a hand-held ("pitch") game, a High P.E. (above .60) is crucial

The Betting Correlation is a measure of how efficiently the count is directing your bet-sizing. Ergo, in a shoe game a High B.E. (above .97) is crucial.

There is also an Insurance Correlation, that is an important metric to be considered.


Well-Known Member
rmar6408 said:
well I play 6d las, das,h17 so what would be a betting\playing efficiency as well as insurance correlation?
You'll want an ace rendered count. Hi-lo, Zen, Red 7, something along those lines. Side counting aces doesn't help as much in shoes.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
The Playing Efficiency is a measure of how efficient the count's associated indices for altering your plays from Basic Strategy are.
Not to be too picky, but the playing efficiency is actually the measure of how efficient the "tags" of the cards in the count are, not the indices themselves, although the indices would of course be directly effected by this.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Zen? The Hippie Count!

Yeah Zen is fine if you like salads, spritzers and live with your momma!:joker::whip:
Don't want to win money but have your bank live in harmony with the casinos chips!

If you want to have casino staff in awe and fear you. If you want their chips and have endless sexual conquests.

I would look at Halves or RPC.

Actually, Zen is equal with the 2 above give or take.:joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
rmar6408 said:
i am more of a 6d game,das,las,s17, so what would you guys recommend i used for that? zen?
I use hi-lo. There really isn't that much of a difference in shoe games. Zen is fine, KO is fine, Red 7 is fine.


Well-Known Member
rmar6408 said:
i am more of a 6d game,das,las,s17, so what would you guys recommend i used for that? zen?
All counts look for the same thing, an abundance of high cards and a shortage of low cards. Don't worry too much about which one, just pick one and play! :)