Betting on high plus counts


New Member
In Lance Humble's "The World's Greatest Blackjack Book", he mentions his thought that when the count goes extremely high, it actually turns negative to the player. He suggested there was more study to be done.

This theory seems to prove out during my play. Has there been research done on this and have you experienced the same turn-a-round to negative when the count gets extremely high?


Staff member
Not to my knowledge

If your count values only 10-valued cards as high cards, and either sidecounts or ignores Aces and 9s, then a very high count could mean your edge is 0, because the deck is composed entirely of tens. Other than that, I don't think this has any validity.

I've never seen any simulation results that show a negative EV at very high plus counts. Anyone else have information to the contrary?


Active Member
it's all fluctuation

the reason it seems like that is because at a high count the dealer is just as likely to get those high cards as you are, so it seems that he makes more hands right off the bat, but that's where the rules kick in for your favor. He has to hit anything below a 17, and even though there are alot of high cards in the deck he will still catch a random low one with the high one probably giving him a stiff. So the count never gets high enough to where you'd be at a disadvantage, because as likely as he may be to make a good hand off his first two cards, he's also far, far more likely to bust when he has a stiff. I know it's nerve racking when you see him pulling 20s and pat hands when you have alot of money out there, but you have to just grit your teeth and keep pushing it out, it'll turn around.

Long story short, no I have not heard that in any factual manner, I've read three different books on card counting by some very esteemed players and everyone agrees the higher the count the better off you are.